Audio Advice Projector Throw Distance Calculator

Whether you are into DIY or you are a custom installer, one of the tricky parts of putting together a projection-based system is figuring out where to put the projector, what size and gain of screen to match it with, and whether a particular projector will work in a given situation.

Granted, numerous projector throw distance calculators already exist, but the new 3D projector throw distance calculator from Audio Advice stands out for how granular it gets when it comes to handling all the relevant parameters and providing accurate answers. The new tool helps consumers and home theater installers determine the best projector placement for varying screen sizes using data gathered in house by the company.

Launched this past September, the new tool takes into account variables that might not be obvious, but are crucial to getting the best recommendations. For example it uses measurements of various projectors taken in the Audio Advice testing lab, as opposed to relying on marketing specifications. This can include variations in brightness that are the result of using the zoom function on a projector lens—typically the farther away you place a projector, the more light output you lose, and this effect can vary from projector to projector. It even accounts for horizontal and vertical offset.

The workflow is simple, it starts with an opening screen that asks the user to select a projector, but you can also choose a generic option if you have not picked one yet. From there, you move to a module that allows you to customize parameters such as aspect ratio, screen size, gain, the use of anamorphic lenses, and the vertical and a horizontal offset.

Once the calculator has all the data it needs it shows you an ideal throw distance based on the available information. The tool then provides a slider that lets you see what happens as you go between the maximum and the minimum through a distance range and how it affects brightness and confirms whether or not the combination is suitable for viewing HDR.

According to Audio Advice the capabilities of the new throw distance calculator are also integrated into its Home Theater Designer software, which incorporates calculations for seating and the audio system as well as the projector and the screen. It also models the acoustics, telling you where to put the seating and risers, in addition to figuring out where the projector should go. Both tools are free to use and you can save the results as a PDF for emailing or making printouts.

You can check out the Interactive 3D Projector Throw Distance Calculator by clicking here, and you'll find the Home Theater Designer tool by following this link.