Ken C. Pohlmann

Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Oct 31, 2006  |  0 comments

Choosing a good loudspeaker is pretty much the same as choosing a good woman. Obviously, they come in all shapes and sizes, and you want the model that's perfect for you. Looking for a speaker that's rich, or perhaps a woman with a wood-grain finish? Don't forget to consider the size of the woofers (or whether, in fact, they are tweeters).

Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Oct 03, 2006  |  0 comments

Point the finger almost anywhere you want. After all, there's plenty of blame to go around. Cable companies didn't really support it. TV manufacturers charged extra for it. The people who designed it left out a few things. And the federal government - it started the whole mess.

Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Sep 01, 2006  |  0 comments

Oh, boy. Another tremendous battle is brewing. It will be the mother of all battles - as well as the father, the son, and the daughter. More than likely, it will be the family pet of all battles, too. It's nothing less than warfare for world domination. Once and for all, it will settle the question: Who makes the coolest toys?

Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Jul 03, 2006  |  0 comments

Did you hear that just now...? No, you didn't. You were talking on your cellphone, probably while listening to your iPod. This morning I saw a guy talking on his cellphone, listening to his iPod, and eating a cheeseburger - all at once. I just prayed that he wasn't going to get behind the wheel. But I digress.

Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Jul 03, 2006  |  0 comments

What's wrong with this picture? Right this moment, you can whip out your cellphone and call Directory Assistance in Sri Lanka, halfway around the world. On the other hand, you need wires (probably poorly concealed under the carpet) to run audio from your home theater to your home office.

Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Jun 04, 2006  |  0 comments
Shown above is the special microphone configuration Neural Audio came up with so XM can capture all the channels for a surround sound broadcast of a live performance from a single position.

Maybe I'm just someone who's easily impressed, but the whole idea of sending audio and video data tens of thousands of miles into space to hit satellites that then send the data back to earth amazes

Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Apr 05, 2006  |  0 comments
What We Think
These trim speakers provide surprisingly big and refined sound at a good price.
Truth be told, huge speakers are a pain, especially when you've got six or more c
