Blu-ray Movie Reviews

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Marc Horowitz  |  Sep 14, 2001  | 
Buena Vista
Movie •••• DVD ••••½
Like its predecessor, The Sixth Sense, writer/director M.
Ken Korman  |  Aug 05, 2001  | 

It's hardly the kind of story that drives a classic Steven Spielberg adventure: boy meets spaceship, boy struggles to make a second date, boy lives happily ever after in space. No sharks, no dinosaurs, no Nazis to subdue. But Close Encounters of the Third Kind has endured thanks to its irresistible portrayal of human-alien contact and the sheer spectacle of its special effects.

Josef Krebs  |  Jun 12, 2001  | 

More Ben-Hur than Spartacus, director Ridley Scott's Gladiator is painted with broad strokes of sentimentality, gory violence, and New Age spirituality.

Mike Mettler  |  Feb 28, 2001  | 
Series ••••½ Picture ••••½ Sound ••••½ Extras ••••½

With Se

Josef Krebs  |  Dec 14, 1999  | 
Movie ••••
Opening up a century of fears - the fear of being fodder for the state and fuel for the corporation, the fear of being controlled through all-env
