I have both the HTC Vive on a high end PC and the PSVR. Both are OUTSTANDING products that amaze everyone who tries them! Both of these products are selling EXTREMELY well in the marketplace as well.
Oculus has a few issues.
Their much hyped "Touch Controllers" have FINALLY shipped...with tracking issues. Their solution to match the Vive's "roomscale" VR is to add TWO additional cameras...which all must be connected via USB to the PC. (Vive's "Lighthouse" tracking units are wireless) This jacks up the total cost of the system (headset, Touch Controllers, and a total of THREE tracking cameras) to $880...$80 more expensive than the Vive! And when all is said and done, you get a max 8'x8' play area, FOUR TIMES smaller than the Vive's max area of 16'x16'!
In addition, their "Oculus Home" software is REQUIRED, loaded with DRM, and ONLY let's you install to the "C:" drive. You have to download additional 3rd Party software if you want to migrate your games to another drive.
That's only the technical stuff. There is also Palmer Luckey's shenanigans funding pro-Trump "shitposters"...and then there is Dov Katz, arrested in Seattle for solicitation of an underage girl. Nice. And of course, there's the little fact that Facebook owns Oculus...and not everyone is so trusting of Mr. Zuckerberg or his intentions!
Too many in the media have taken this story and preached "Doom for VR!" in their headlines. The problem isn't VR as a whole, just one misguided company making misstep after misstep!