Ken C. Pohlmann

Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Sep 06, 2001  |  0 comments

Home theater has been the best gift to audio manufacturers since Edison yelled into a horn. All of a sudden two-channel stereo systems are woefully old-fashioned. Speaker manufacturers especially have much to be thankful for - instead of two speakers per system, now they can sell at least six. What a deal!

Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Aug 06, 2001  |  0 comments

Life is short. Why shouldn't you treat yourself to a porterhouse and a bottle of merlot now and then? And why not enjoy decent speakers, too? In a world of surround sound speaker systems priced around $1,000, it's easy to forget that there's a parallel universe populated by people who spend a little more money and get a lot better sound.

Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Jul 25, 2001  |  0 comments

When I reviewed the first Super Audio CD (SACD) player, Sony's ultra-expensive SCD-1, in these pages almost two years ago, I envisioned the format as designed for audiophile "purists" who turned up their noses at CD and even (for reasons still very debatable) DVD playback.

Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Jul 09, 2001  |  0 comments

Tell me if any of this sounds familiar: You want to buy a DVD-Video player to impress your friends with your techo-hipness (and besides, you're tired of watching fuzzy VHS rentals). You have a digital surround receiver, so the player doesn't need a Dolby Digital or DTS decoder.
