Leslie Shapiro

Leslie Shapiro  |  Apr 30, 2013  |  0 comments

The first Iron Man was an unqualified hit, featuring a terrifically witty and sly Robert Downey, Jr. The second Iron Man was merely tolerated because the first was so good. Good or not, the movies banked an impressive $1.2 billion in box office receipts. With that much money in play, a lot is riding on this latest release. Is the suit still strong, or has it become a rusty relic?

Leslie Shapiro  |  Apr 21, 2013  |  0 comments

Right off the bat, let’s get something out of the way. Oblivion isn’t a particularly original film. WALL•E, Star Wars, Close Encounters of the Third Kind,  Planet of the Apes, 2001, Blade Runner, the overlooked Moon, and most blatantly, Total Recall - you’ll see, ah - homages - to all of them as the 2-hour Oblivion, co-written, produced and directed by Joseph Kosinski, unfolds. 

Leslie Shapiro  |  Apr 15, 2013  |  0 comments

Alan Parsons’ Art & Science of Sound Recording is a series of videos available on DVD, online streaming, or download that offer a fascinating look into the recording industry, hosted by legendary producer, engineer and performer Alan Parsons. With years of experience at Abbey Road Studios and credits including Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon, Parsons is an eminently qualified host.

Leslie Shapiro  |  Mar 19, 2013  |  0 comments

It’s that time of year again. Birds are singing, the sun is shining, temperatures are warming, and people are starting to move outdoors again. (Okay, fine, I know I live in Miami, but really, I feel your pain, Buffalo!)  When I go outdoors, I love taking my music with me. JBL has two new products designed to take music to new locales, both indoors and out.

Leslie Shapiro  |  Feb 11, 2013  |  0 comments

The 2013 Grammy Awards have safely come and gone (is anyone else amazed that no one was electrocuted during the onstage rain shower?) and all anyone is talking about after the show is how Auto-Tune is destroying the music biz.  Put performers on a live stage without technologic backup, and many of them will fall apart, in ear-shattering glory. Fun. had some issues with pitch that were hard to ignore, and Frank Ocean’s performance was a little shaky without the benefit of pitch-correcting software. People are up in arms that without Auto-Tune, many current artists would be crooning on a cruise ship in the Baltic Sea. But have things really changed?

Leslie Shapiro  |  Jan 10, 2013  |  0 comments

While everyone’s been showing off their Bluetooth docks (and I’ve certainly covered a number of them) the folks at iLuv were showing off something slightly cooler at the International CES this year.  The MobiRock is a small wireless dock that features wireless charging for Qi-enabled devices. The MobiRock (iMM711) is currently compatible with the Nokia 920 and some HTC models.  An adapter will be available for other devices in the near future, and there is a USB charging port for non-Qi devices.

Leslie Shapiro  |  Jan 10, 2013  |  1 comments

Let me be blunt. CES is not geared towards women, particularly smart, fashionable women. If you can overlook the overwhelming number of scantily-clad booth babes and showgirls, the products that are typically marketed to women are the usual “pink it and shrink it,” or they’re just bedazzled generic products. Who thinks of this crap? Women outspend men in consumer electronics, and someone is finally paying attention to that.

Leslie Shapiro  |  Jan 09, 2013  |  0 comments

Just when you finally found the perfect home dock, Apple went and changed things up by eliminating the ubiquitous 30-pin connector with the new Lightning connector. JBL was right there to scoop into the market with the OnBeat Rumble boombox with a Lightning connection and Harman’s TrueStream Bluetooth capabilities. It charges the iPhone 5 or iPad Mini or other Apple Lightning devices when docked, and with an adapter, can handle the legacy devices.

Leslie Shapiro  |  Jan 09, 2013  |  0 comments

While everyone on the floor is showing off tiny, tinny little Bluetooth speaker docks, NYNE is making a bold statement with the new NH-6800. This gorgeous stand-alone speaker system features Bluetooth with apt-X and AAC, and it’s also one of the first systems that will feature a Lightening connection for the new Apple product line.

Leslie Shapiro  |  Dec 31, 2012  |  0 comments

The much-anticipated film adaptation of London and Broadway's smash hit, "Les Misérables" debuted last week with a fresh new approach to film-making. Unlike typical musicals, "Les Mis" didn't use a pre-recorded vocal score, but instead, the actors sang live on the set.
