Audio Video News

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SV Staff  |  Dec 08, 2008  | 
If you've been putting off getting a TiVo, now might be the time. Looks like TiVo and Netflix are cozying up, in a really attractive way. Who needs a limited pay-per-view schedule when you can have the Netflix library at your fingertips?TiVo...
SV Staff  |  Dec 08, 2008  | 
Have you noticed a distinct push lately towards Blu-ray this holiday season? The latest Disney release (Horton Hears a Who) had a commercial solely for the Blu-ray release. No mention of the DVD until the tag. Disney has a whole Blu-ray...
SV Staff  |  Dec 08, 2008  | 
  This world has enough problems without a DVD/VCR combo that upscales to 1080P. Have you actually watched a VHS tape lately on your new HDTV? As if those family videos of uncle Bob in a Speedo weren't horrifying enough, now we're...
SV Staff  |  Dec 08, 2008  | 
  Just days ago I bitched about the high price of Blu-ray discs. (For the record, I broke down and bought Wall-E Blu-ray for $25 on line.) Well, it seems like the powers that be heard me. First was Leslie's earlier post about super Blu...
Mark Fleischmann  |  Dec 08, 2008  | 
Among universal disc players, the Denon DVD-A1UCDI is the most universal of all. It handles Blu-ray, DVD, SACD, and DVD-Audio. But the pricetag is high, at $3800.
SV Staff  |  Dec 05, 2008  | 
We told you about the 3D broadcast of the NFL game last Thursday night at a few theaters across the country. Wondering how it went? Some scores, some fumbles, but overall, you could call it a success. There were two satellite glitches that caused...
SV Staff  |  Dec 05, 2008  | 
Earlier this week, we reported that there was a quality issue with Netflix's streaming HD to their Roku boxes, plus other Netflix-compatible devices like the Xbox 360. Oops.Today, Netflix announced that they fixed the problem. ...
SV Staff  |  Dec 05, 2008  | 
Everyone's talking about waiting for the price of Blu-ray players to come down to an acceptable price, but what about movies? Until Blu-ray movies are closer in price to DVD, folks aren't about to make the switch, are they?Wal-Mart has...
SV Staff  |  Dec 05, 2008  | 
Not long ago, the ultimate bottom-of-the-line system was a TV with a built-in VCR. Remember those abominations? Not really what you would call high-end.Sharp is getting ready to ship two products that are gonna make you think twice about that...
SV Staff  |  Dec 05, 2008  | 
Lord knows it's hard to pull together a home theater that sounds great and looks good too. Especially in small spaces, it's tricky to fit everything in without overwhelming your apartment.Z-Base 550 to the rescue. New from ZVOX, the...
SV Staff  |  Dec 05, 2008  | 
 Several days ago we ran a blog on Sooloos new Ensemble music server system. Looks like we weren't the only ones that liked the digital magic that Sooloos was cookin' up. In fact, Meridian liked it so much, they bought the...
SV Staff  |  Dec 04, 2008  | 
Most people compare things like contrast ratios and black levels. As I stare at my flickering TV screen, I'm glad that PC World has done a study on HDTV reliability.The study looked at five factors: problem on arrival, any significant...
SV Staff  |  Dec 04, 2008  | 
This election is gonna be fun. The Consumer Electronics Association has chosen five finalists in their Digital TV: Convert Now! contest, running at this very moment on YouTube. You get to decide which one is the most educational.The winning...
SV Staff  |  Dec 04, 2008  | 
The only single-screen movie theater left in the state of Louisiana is upgrading - in a major way. The historic Prytania Theater has just upgraded to 4K digital cinema. The Prytania is the oldest operating theater in the city, having opened ...
SV Staff  |  Dec 04, 2008  | 
The only single-screen movie theater left in the state of Louisiana is upgrading - in a major way. The historic Prytania Theater has just upgraded to 4K digital cinema. The Prytania is the oldest operating theater in the city, having opened in...
