If you've been using Inteset's Movie Collection to rip and organize your movie collection, today's your lucky day. Well, lucky if you're adding Blu-ray Discs to your collection. Simply insert a Blu-ray (or DVD) and the application will scan...
What better way to celebrate Warner Bros. 85th anniversary than with the release of 85 of its best flicks on video on-demand? Many of the movies will be showing in HD, so it's a great opportunity to check out some truly classic movies. How...
Trivia question: Where was the plasma display invented? Answer: University of Illinois (1964). Since then, it has grown into a formidable technology, widely used in televisions. It particularly dominated the 40-inches and bigger market. ...
Remember those funky old cathode-ray TV/VCR combo units? Thought combo units were a thing of the past? Not so fast, there, Buck Rodgers. Funai might not be the most popular name you see on the shelf of your local big-box retailer, but you do...
Hopefully more than just a rebranding, MTV's high-def MHD music channel is changing names to Palladia. MTV Networks is promising more premier, HD programming. The new name kicks in on September 1. The old channel suffered from lack of content and...
Our friends at Akihabara News are reporting that Harman International's web site is featuring an interesting new item. The JSB-1 speaker/equipment isolation cone kit will be released in September. Audiophiles are no strangers to various...
Samsung is showing off their new YA-SBR510 Bluetooth stereo speaker. This little beauty is designed for Samsung's lineup of MP3 players, providing wireless playback from a docked player. The speaker features Bluetooth 2.0, with an advertised...
Set-top-box movies just took a big step forward. You thought it was a good deal to get a song for 99 cents? How about watching a movie for 99 cents? VUDU has announced a summer special (but I wonder if it evolves into a new standard pricing...
Hitachi just introduced a new generation hybrid camcorder with the ability to record internally onto Blu-ray Disc. That might be just what you needed to run out and get a Blu-ray player for your home theater. The DZ-BD10HA is new and improved from...
Canada's Shaw Cable just launched a new HD channel that will really show off the true art of HD. "The Frame" is a 24/7 channel that will showcase fine art and photographs from 16 galleries across Canada. The galleries will shift every...
File this in the "Are you kidding me?" folder. Some movies available on Netflix - some popular movies from Netflix might not be playable on your DVD player. What's up with that? Not wanting to point fingers, but blame it on Sony. Sony...
While some companies are concentrating on making small little itty-bitty plastic speakers, Boston Acoustics just announced a new line of furniture-grade speakers that look gorgeous, with technology to make them sound as good as they look. Vista is...
Soundbars are in. No, not the kinda bar you regret through your hungover haze the next morning. Slim, single speaker cabinet that blends in seamlessly with your TV-type of soundbar is what we're talking about. The new SLIMstage40 is an amplified...
While no one can complain about the visual advantages of digital TV, the audio department is hearing plenty of complaints. The Dolby Digital standard does provide 'CD-quality' sound in the home, but other audio problems are plaguing the new format....