Need a speaker that will fit in a corner? What about something that will work in the middle of a room? JBL has the speakers for you! The new JBL Control NOW speakers are quite unique. Each speaker is a rounded 90 degree quarter-circle,...
Amid much fanfare—including a live marching band—Disneyland today opened the doors to its latest "home of the future." Located next to Space Mountain on the first floor of the Carousel of Progress building in Tomorrowland, the Innoventions Dream Home encompasses over 5000 square feet of living space filled with the latest technology that defines the connected lifestyle.
How many times has this happened to you? You're in a movie theater or church, and cell phones keep ringing. The girl in seat 36C is surreptitiously talking on her cell phone as the flight takes off. Or, worst of all, you notice that the creepy guy...
JBL is taking the time to make a great iPod dock. The new On Time 200iD is a wonderful way to keep time with your favorite iPod tunes. A clock radio and iPod dock - does it get any better? The JBL On Time 200iD provides an acceptable six watts of...
Dr. Sidney Harman will retire on July 1. The 89-year-old audio pioneer will be succeeded as chair and CEO of Harman International by Dinesh C. Paliwal. Harman will remain chair emeritus.
The long-awaited addition of BD-Live features to Blu-ray releases is over. Well, the wait will be over soon. Disney has previewed the BD-Live functionality on Sleeping Beauty at a recent conference in Hollywood. Word is it looks good. What family...
Lots of little boxes, all lined up on your television set. All the little boxes you need to download movies from the Internet, satellites and cable systems, and none of them talk to each other. What is it going to take to get one source and one...
Sure, many people's entire music library is now in their jeans pocket, and the playback space is somewhere between their left and right earbuds. That's cool. Other folks are into fancy home theaters and surround sound. Cool. But a few old-school...
If the RIAA has its way, and we know how they like to have their way, a piracy tax will be imposed on each and every person using the web. Yup. Even if you just use the web to look for love on, the RIAA wants to assume you're stealing...
Sure, your TV is big. But is it wall-sized? (Hopefully, it's not wallet-sized). Japanese electronics manufacturer Shinoda Plasma Corp. is demonstrating a TV that may provide a convincing argument that you need a bigger house. What's more, their...
In Britain, a nation that cherishes its eccentrics as much as its bitter ales, a furniture restorer has converted a 1957-vintage black & white TV to receive digital over-the-air signals. It is believed to be the oldest TV to survive the U.K. DTV transition.
Last month, we reported that the MPAA was petitioning the FCC to allow the MPAA to shut down the analog outputs of your cable and satellite boxes when viewing certain material. Now it's your chance to actually do something about it. The FCC has a...
Just when you thought government spending couldn't get any more out of control, the boys and girls on the hill manage to surprise us one more time. Sure, we all understand why we needed to switch to digital television, and sure, we understand the...
As you'll recall, Paramount came up a loser in the HD DVD/Blu-ray battle. Its exclusive support for HD DVD proved to be as adept as the $100 I put on Big Brown at Belmont. DFL, as they say. Anyway, Paramount is now embracing its inner Blu - kind of....
Listening to music is boring, right? I mean, it's just sound. There's nothing to look at or anything. That's why you'll gladly spend $2,000 on a TV, but balk at paying $200 for speakers. Right? Well, maybe. Clearly, flat screens are all the rage,...