Blu-ray Movie Reviews

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Kris Deering  |  Mar 09, 2008  | 
Video: 5/5
Audio: 5/5
Extras: 3.5/5
Will Smith is getting the high definition treatment these next few weeks. We are seeing a couple releases from Fox and last year's blockbuster from Warner here soon. Good thing his movies are fun. i, Robot was the first big budget film for director Alex Proyas (Dark City) and an above average summer blockbuster for Smith. The creators did a bang up job with the special effects, but at times I thought they were a bit heavy handed with the environments. I'm still glad this one has finally made its way to Blu-ray as it was one of my favorite demonstration titles on the short lived D-Theater format.
Kris Deering  |  Mar 09, 2008  | 
Video: 4/5
Audio: 4/5
Extras: 3/5
Atonement was easily one of my favorite movies of 2007 and I was actually surprised it didn't walk away with the Best Picture statue at the Oscar's this year. While this was an extremely strong year for great films and there was some great nominees I felt this film had the strongest overall arc in terms of production, story, acting and direction. It is rare that a film just nails every aspect as well as this one does, making it a must-see in my opinion.
Kris Deering  |  Mar 09, 2008  | 
Video: 4.5/5
Audio: 3.5/5
Extras: 0/5
When this film was released I noticed a lot of comparisons to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I am not sure why, the films have little to do with each other. Both are VERY colorful and full of imagination, but this film deals more with finding the magic within you. Hoffman does a good job in the lead, but the film is stolen by Natalie Portman. She is reminding me more and more of Audrey Hepburn as she's gotten older and her charm and vulnerability go a long way in this one. It isn't very often that we see a solid live action family film like this.
Kris Deering  |  Mar 09, 2008  | 
Video: 4/5
Audio: 4.5/5
Extras: 4/5
Movies based on video games generally don't make for great cinema. There have been a few exceptions, but they are VERY few and far between. I wasn't expecting much going into this one but it didn't turn out too bad. I am not that familiar with the video game series (which may have helped) but I couldn't help but notice the parallels between other games I've played. The scenarios and characters were a bit one dimensional, like most games. The nice thing is, this film has enough plot to keep the action going, which is all one can demand from a popcorn film. The action choreography and stylish cinematography also keep things pretty cool. My only real complaint is the lead actor. While I like Olyphant as an actor, he didn't have the weight for this type of role in my opinion. I guess I've just seen too many films about professional killers that gave the killer a more impending tone.
David Vaughn  |  Mar 04, 2008  | 

<IMG SRC="/images/archivesart/403dan.jpg" WIDTH=200 BORDER=0 ALIGN=RIGHT>Newspaper columnist Dan Burns (Steve Carell) dispenses advice to families in his column, but his own personal life is in shambles. The widowed father of three girls is afraid of letting go and letting his kids grow up. He's so consumed with their lives that he has no time to live his own.

Ken Korman  |  Mar 03, 2008  | 
Movie •••• Picture •••• Sound •••• Extras •••½

Who would have predicted that Werner Herzog, the ace

Ken Korman  |  Mar 03, 2008  | 
Movie ••• Picture ••• Sound ••• Extras •••½

Self-absorption may be a chronic condition for ma

Mel Neuhaus  |  Mar 03, 2008  | 
40th Anniversary Platinum Edition Walt Disney
Movie ••• Picture •••• Sound ••••• Extras ••••


Rad Bennett  |  Mar 03, 2008  | 
Movie ••• Picture •••• Sound •••½ Extras ••½

If you like English comedies of manners, yo

Rad Bennett  |  Mar 03, 2008  | 
Golden Collection, Vol.
Rad Bennett  |  Mar 03, 2008  | 
Season 5
Series ••••½ Picture •••½ Sound •••½ Extras •••

It doesn't pay to be

Rad Bennett  |  Mar 03, 2008  | 
Season 1 Showtime/Paramount
Series •••½ Picture •••• Sound •••½ Extras ••½
Movie •••½ Picture •••½ Sound •••• Extras ••

Pascale Ferran's French-language adapt

Kris Deering  |  Mar 02, 2008  | 
Video: 5/5
Audio: 4/5
Extras: 3/5
I was a bit reluctant going into this one. The Rock has impressed me with his choices acting wise, but the trailers for this did nothing for me. The first act of the film didn't do me any favors. There are a lot of gag bits that weren’t that funny and honestly I felt like I'd seen this too many times before. The second act brought it back though and I started to feel like I wasn't wasting my time. The film started developing some honest emotion points and laid off on the prank jokes. By the time the film was over I thought it was pretty good. I don't really know who this film was aimed at though. Younger kids may get a kick out of some of the laughs, but it didn't really play to the kid audience. On the other hand it didn't play to the adults either. While this is wholesome family entertainment, there are a lot of other films almost just like it.
Kris Deering  |  Mar 02, 2008  | 
Video: 4.5/5
Audio: 3.5/5
Extras: 2.5/5
Sleuth didn't create much buzz at the box office. In fact, I think most people never even noticed it was there. The film is based on a famous play and pretty much recreates it for the screen. The film takes place all in one setting, is VERY character driven but in turn creates a riveting environment and cat and mouse game. Bad thing is, it's a bit predictable at times. Sure there are some good twists, but I can see a few people being disappointed with the dialogue driven nature and subtle mind play. I thought it was great seeing Caine and Law together on screen though. Both are great character actors and played to each other brilliantly.
