One is blonde, the other brunette. One radiates as an earth mother, the other is everyone's favorite big sister. But when the chips are down, each babe is a trained killing machine who can kick terrorist ass.
Alfred HitchcockThe Masterpiece Collection (Universal, 15 DVDs, $120) Saboteur, Shadow of a Doubt, Rope, Rear Window, The Trouble with Harry, The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956), Vertigo, Psycho, The Birds, Marnie, Torn Curtain, Topaz, Frenzy, Family P
Nicolas Roeg's 1976 film THE MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH (The Criterion Collection; Movie •••½, Picture/Sound •••, Extras ••) is a poetic, visually resplendent work that gains resonance with repeat viewings. David Bowie (below) is the alien on a mission to save his dying race.