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Geoffrey Morrison  |  Dec 27, 2013  | 
It has been an interesting year for tech. Which is a pretty dumb thing to write, since every year is an interesting year for tech, and more interesting than the year before.

But a year is a lot to take in. So here are some highlights you may have missed.

Geoffrey Morrison, Lauren Dragan  |  Dec 12, 2013  | 
All other headphones bow to these. All other headphones are NOTHING compared to these. These are, to put it simply, a collection of the greatest headphones on Earth.

One of them even looks like bacon.

Lauren Dragan  |  Nov 22, 2013  | 
Have you ever listened to a pair of headphones and thought that it seems as though the music was being performed right in front of you? Or maybe you’re in a public place, listening to music as you walk, and all the day to day mundanity around you takes on a more profound glow? Or sometimes, if you pay attention, it seems as though events are lining up to the rhythm: someone is walking to the beat, or speaking at just the right moment? Now imagine that all of those things were happening at the same time and you’ll have a small idea of what it was like to attend Invisible Cities, an opera composed for headphones and performed live at a functioning, bustling train station.

Lauren Dragan  |  Nov 14, 2013  | 
A few headphone manufacturers are challenging the status-quo and showing us there is another way to approach technology. Five "good karma" cans made with sustainable, recycled materials.
Geoffrey Morrison  |  Nov 08, 2013  | 
Above the streets of Hollywood, at the top of the swanky W Hotel, Panasonic held a party to show off their upcoming 4K tablet.

That’s right, a tablet with 4K resolution.

What I wasn’t expecting is that it’s huge. I guess it’s still technically a tablet with a 20-inch 15:10 screen, but wow.

They also had their new 4K LCD. Fellow S&Ver Lauren Dragan and I headed to Hollywood and Vine to check it out (that’s where the hotel is, not just some random location we wandered by).

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Nov 01, 2013  | 
As I expected, I’ve been playing a lot of Battlefield 4. In some ways, my initial thoughts were correct, this really is a polish of BF3.

However, what I didn't expect, is that in that polish, it’s actually a better game. A definite improvement over its predecessor. The little tweaks and changes combine to make something greater than the parts marginally improved.

Thoughts and such, after the jump.

Lauren Dragan  |  Oct 24, 2013  | 
Dear Manufacturers of Headphones,
As a headphone tech reviewer and avid consumer for several years now, I’ve gotten a chance to witness great triumph and tragedy in headphone design and functionality. We’ve come such a long way from the giant forever-alone-in-my-room over-ears of the ‘70s or the foam-and-plastic-electro-shock-hazards from the walkman fueled ‘80s. But there is always room for improvement. I know it, my readers sure know it, and they let me know about it. So I wanted you, dear Headphone Companies, to know it too. Here are some features that seem really obvious, but are sorely lacking in the marketplace. If you could see it in your hearts to add them to products that also sound really great, well, we’ll all just throw our money at you. Promise.
Lauren Dragan  |  Oct 17, 2013  | 
Let me start by saying, I know headphones. I have reviewed a lot, I own a lot, and my ears have endured a lot. Generally speaking, function comes before form in my recommendations. Do they sound good? Are they comfortable? How much do they cost?

Only after these questions are positively answered do I then I allow myself to get excited over how pretty they are. Rarely am I able to reach that glorious final stage. To be frank: most tech that focuses on form ends up lacking in function (I’m looking at you, Beats). But every once in a while, my inner geek gets her day, and today it’s thanks to the British company RHA’s 750i. Now, knowing the substance is there, just look at them. Sigh...Sexy, no?

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Oct 11, 2013  | 
Battlefield is back, though thanks to an endless supply of add-on packs, it doesn’t feel like it ever left. Right now you can play the upcoming BF4 for free, as part of an open beta. Is it worth checking out? What does the beta say about the new game? Will it be worth buying? I’ve been playing for many, many hours, so that should probably tell you the answer to at least one of those questions. The rest revealed after the jump.
Geoffrey Morrison  |  Oct 02, 2013  | 
Dominic Baker is the Audio Systems Business Director at Cambridge Audio. He was previously the Chief Acoustics Engineer at Focal JM Lab, and the Acoustic Development Engineer at Tannoy. This is a Song (ok, musical event) from his Soundtrack.
Geoffrey Morrison  |  Aug 28, 2013  | 

We’ve reviewed a bunch of Epson projectors over the past year or so. The 5020, for example, was an excellent projector. Lots of light output, decent contrast ratio.

The 750HD, on the other hand, offered ridiculous light output (and a not-so-great contrast ratio).

Two new models, just announced, aim to fill some gaps in the sub-$1,000 price range.

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Aug 18, 2013  | 
A sneak peek at the biggest tech story of the year.
Geoffrey Morrison  |  Aug 18, 2013  | 

This may not look like much, but it is a quantum leap in television performance.

In this long-exposure image (note how bright the iPad is in the foreground), you're looking at something incredible.

That TV you see? That TV is on.

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Aug 15, 2013  | 

Organic Light-Emitting Diode televisions have been perpetually on the horizon for what seems like forever. I remember first writing about the technology when I was at Home Theater magazine, which was multiple jobs ago (and, by the transitive properties, my current one as well).

Like any new technology, these TVs are expensive, but will they be worth it?
