Steven Stone  |  Oct 02, 2005

When I reviewed the Genesis 6.1 speaker system I liked it so much I still use it as my reference in my upstairs home theater system. Now Genesis has a new, smaller speaker called the Genesis 7.1c that shares much of the G6.1's technology—and a level of performance that can equal its more expensive sibling in most conventional home theater situations, and in some environments even better it.

Thomas J. Norton  |  Oct 02, 2005

Power conditioning has long been an assumed requirement for the best audio-video systems. And there's no shortage of manufacturers lining up to supply the perceived need. Need line filtering, surge and spike protection, and multiple outlets? Ding! There are dozens of choices, some more effective than others. Need a device that will not only clean up your power line, but also maintain 120 volts when your power company is straining to keep up with demand? Ding! The field narrows, but there are products out there that will do that, too. Need battery backup in case of a partial or complete power failure? Bzzzt! Wrong question. Until recently, you'd have to look for that in the computer department of you're nearby electronics supermarket.

John Sciacca  |  Oct 01, 2005

This past winter, my wife and I spent three wonderful weeks touring Italy. Although traveling abroad always provides interesting experiences, we stumbled across some peculiarities that really showed we weren't in America anymore. For one, the cost of a cappuccino is directly related to where you drink it. Stand at the counter, and it might be $1.50.

John Sciacca  |  Oct 01, 2005

Writing for Sound & Vision has taken me to such exotic locales as an aircraft carrier at sea and George Lucas's Skywalker Ranch.

John Sciacca  |  Oct 01, 2005

When someone says he's an accountant, a stockbroker, or a trash collector (excuse me, "Sanitation Engineer"), you know what he does for a living. But when I say I'm a custom electronics installer, I usually get a blank stare in return.

James K. Willcox  |  Oct 01, 2005

Jarring juxtapositions of technology and design might work for the sets in a Tim Burton movie, but they usually don't for someone's home. Many custom installers find that adding high-tech gear to an older house with a well-defined architectural style can be daunting because the technology can clash with or overpower the traditional design.

Michael Gaughn  |  Oct 01, 2005

Five years ago, if you'd asked a home theater nut if you could play Metal Gear Solid on his 50-inch screen, he probably would have beaten you about the head and neck with a copy of the Die Hard trilogy and banished you from the room.

Jon M. Gibson  |  Oct 01, 2005

Woe is Jericho Cross, a half-man, half-vampire who's totally pissed off in DARKWATCH (Capcom; PS2, Xbox; Game ••••, Graphics/Sound •••½). Still, you can't really blame the man in black: his days are spent dealing death to blood-sucking scum, everything from skeletal reapers recklessly swinging scythes to bitchy banshees with killer vocal cords.

Drew Thompson  |  Oct 01, 2005
VU Games (all consoles)
Game •••• Graphics/Sound •••½
Still fuming over Ang Lee's horrendous Hulk flick?
Daniel Sozomenu  |  Oct 01, 2005
EA (all consoles)
Game ••••½ Graphics/Sound ••••
As the only pro player on the console gridiron (because of an exclusive deal with the NFL), EA might've been content to relea
