Christy Grosz  |  Aug 07, 2005
Video: 4
Audio: 4
Extras: 5
Aimee Giron  |  Aug 07, 2005
Video: 4
Audio: 4
Extras: 3
Mark Fleischmann  |  Aug 04, 2005
Even people who know nothing about Brazilian music recognize the urbane Latin syncopation of the bossa nova beat. The language, of course, is Portuguese, not Spanish. The key names in Brazilian pop music are Jobim and Gilberto; in orchestral and chamber music, Villa-Lobos. Arguably, the most alluring voice in Brazilian music today belongs to Rosa Passos, who partners with jazz bassist Ron Carter on this audiophile release.
Scott Wilkinson  |  Aug 03, 2005  |  First Published: Aug 04, 2005

CinemaNow, a leading broadband video-on-demand service, announced last week an agreement with HDNet to make several titles from HDNet's original high-definition library available on a download-to-own basis via the <A href="">CinemaNow Web site</A>. This marks the first time that HDNet has made its library of high-definition programming available on demand from an online broadband service.

Darryl Wilkinson  |  Aug 03, 2005
After unwrapping the gifts, polishing off the last drops from near-empty bottles of champagne, and sweeping up the streamers and confetti left from SIM2 Multimedia's 10-year anniversary party, those still standing announced a trio of new high-definition displays being added to the SIM2 USA product line: the HTL40 LINK LCD flat-panel monitor, the DOMINO 55M rear-projection monitor, and the C3X front-projection monitor.
David Ranada  |  Aug 02, 2005
Fast Facts
DIMENSIONS (WxHxD) 17 x 2.625 x 12.5 inches PRICE $399 MANUFACTURER Lite-On USA, <
Darryl Wilkinson  |  Aug 01, 2005
Despite tumbling prices on flat-panel LCD TVs, especially in the U.S. and Europe (great for us consumers, awful for Sony stockholders), Sony is forging ahead and bringing out a pair of new additions to its "S" series line of LCD HDTVs. The new sets add larger screen sizes - 32 inches (KLV-S32A10) and 26 inches (KLV-S26A10) - to the existing lineup which already includes LCD flat-panels from 15 to 23 inches in diagonal.
Scott Wilkinson  |  Jul 31, 2005  |  First Published: Aug 01, 2005
I really needed a vacation last month. Work was hectic as usual, and I had a few personal problems that piled on top of me all at once, so I felt a strong desire to get out of Dodge (well, Burbank, actually). I was about to hop in my car and hit the road when THX came to my rescue and offered me a far more stylin' ride: a 2006 Lincoln Zephyr with a THX-certified, CD-based audio system they wanted me to review.
Thomas J. Norton  |  Jul 31, 2005  |  First Published: Aug 01, 2005

<I>Directed by Katsuhiro Otomo. Aspect ratio: 1.85:1 (anamorphic). Dolby Digital 5.1 (English, Japanese), Dolby Surround (French, Spanish, Portuguese). 126 minutes. 2004. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 05503. PG-13. $49.95.</I>
