An increasing number of home theater enthusiasts are adapting the Super Audio Compact Disc and DVD-Audio formats. Many also have "whole-house" or distributed A/V systems.
Many folks here at the Westin–St. Francis expect Saturday to be the show's peak day. By 11am the halls were packed with music and movie fans. Home theater demos on several floors were rocking the building with attacking aircraft and exploding cars. "Guy stuff," sniffed one disdainful woman. All too true, but hey, it gets attention.
The Westin–St. Francis has begun to fill with audiophiles and home theater fans eager to experience the best gear on the planet. They won't be disappointed.
<I>Voices of Joseph-Gordon Levitt, Brian Murray, David Hyde Pierce, Martin Short, Emma Thompson. Directed by John Musker and Ron Clements. Aspect ratio: 1.66:1 (anamorphic). Dolby Digital 5.1, THX. 95 minutes. 2002. Walt Disney Home Video 00348. PG. $29.99.</I>