SV Staff  |  Apr 17, 2017
How fast is your internet? If you live in Delaware, Maryland, Rhode Island, or Utah, congratulations! Your state is home to some of the country’s fastest internet speeds in the country, according to the Consumer Technology Association’s Innovation Scorecard.
SV Staff  |  Apr 14, 2017
San Francisco startup SmartBeings is getting ready to ship WooHoo, the “world’s first” voice-controlled, AI-based smart home hub, a Kickstarter project that beat its $30,000 funding goal by $24,000 in February.
Steve Guttenberg  |  Apr 14, 2017
I spent a big chunk of my life running movies in New York City neighborhood dumps, art houses, and palaces, so I may be a little biased, but Peter Flynn’s The Dying of the Light documentary about projectionists brought tears to my eyes. I’m sure it wasn’t easy for Flynn, since projectionists are much more at home on the other side of the lens. They all share a common bond, knowing that if they do the job well, the audience will be unaware they did anything at all. That’s the beauty of it.
Thomas J. Norton  |  Apr 14, 2017

PRICE $549

Outstanding overall performance
Detailed info screen
Plays virtually everything
No headphone output
No support for HDCD

Oppo’s first Ultra HD Blu-ray player has been eagerly anticipated by UHD enthusiasts everywhere. The wait was worth it.

We’re now into the second year of the Ultra HD Blu-ray era, but up to this past January, Samsung, Philips, and Panasonic pretty much had the UHD player market all to themselves. That month’s Consumer Electronics Show, however, saw the introduction of models from LG and Sony, together with new ones from Samsung and Panasonic.

Corey Gunnestad  |  Apr 14, 2017
Matt Damon returns to the role that Universal has built a hit franchise upon and resolutely keeps churning out. Once again, Jason Bourne’s mysterious past is catching up with him faster than he can remember it. The titular protagonist is still living off the grid and making ends meet by pit fighting in some dark corner of the globe, apparently standard procedure for all retired super-soldiers living abroad.
SV Staff  |  Apr 14, 2017
BDI Furniture’s new Elements Collection of media and storage consoles can be configured 24 different ways, making it one of the company’s most customizable offerings to date.
Al Griffin  |  Apr 13, 2017
Got a tech question for Sound & Vision? Email us at

Q I recently watched a video labeled “4K” using my Panasonic Ultra HDTV’s built-in YouTube app. When I paused the video, I noticed an icon next to the playback controls that said "Stats for Nerds." Clicking on the icon, I discovered that, while the video was originally shot in 4K, it wasn’t playing back at that resolution. Why does YouTube claim to have 4K content when their system doesn’t play the videos in 4K? —Wayne Mathews, Stone Mountain, GA

Mark Fleischmann  |  Apr 13, 2017
Sinclair’s TBD is a digital multicast network aimed at millennials. Multicast means TV stations will carry it as a secondary channel, allowing broadcasters to seek new revenue while leaving traditional network and independent channels intact...

Smart TV Platforms are consolidating. Ten TV makers are using Roku and Chromecast in lieu of rolling their own...

SV Staff  |  Apr 13, 2017
Twelve years ago this month, the founding members of Blue Man Group made an appearance on the April 2005 cover of Sound & Vision.
SV Staff  |  Apr 13, 2017
Essence For Hi Res Audio is shipping its new second-generation digital-to-analog converters (DACs) for owners of late-model AV receivers and preamp/processors who want to upgrade to HDMI 2.0a instead of replacing the gear.
