SV Staff  |  Feb 27, 2017
Waves Audio, developer of audio processing technologies, today announced an integrated circuit said to enable any device to “faithfully reproduce” 5.1 and 7.1 surround and virtual reality (VR) audio content over ordinary stereo headphones.
Geoffrey Morrison  |  Feb 24, 2017
Expanse Season 2! Expanse Season 2! Expanse Season 2!

We’re 5 episodes into the second season. Here are some thoughts on how it is so far, the new cast members, and other various nerdstuff.

Thomas J. Norton  |  Feb 24, 2017
In old Japan, young Kubo lives in a mountain cave with his mother, whose mental clarity comes and goes. As an infant he lost an eye, and his father is long gone. Every day he goes to the market in a nearby town to entertain the locals with his three-string shamisen and wondrous stories, told with magic origami that fold and unfold into lifelike characters. His stories never have an ending, much to the disappointment of the townsfolk. Nevertheless, they’re ready for more the next day (Kubo apparently invented the miniseries cliff-hanger).
David Vaughn  |  Feb 24, 2017
Three years into their five-year mission, the crew of the Enterprise is in dire need of shore leave. Fortunately, they’re in a sector of space with an advanced star base, and they drop in for a visit. Shortly after their arrival, a distress call comes from a remote nebula, and their leave is cut short since the Enterprise is the only ship in the sector that can navigate through it. Once inside, they meet a deadly alien race in search of a rare artifact that just happens to be located on the Federation ship and will kill anything in their path to obtain it—even the Enterprise crew.
Bob Ankosko  |  Feb 24, 2017
I was immediately drawn to the sf16’s neofuturistic styling. Its gentle curves reminded me of the iconic TWA Flight Center at New York’s JFK Airport—an aeronautic theme sustained by wing-like sound pods that sprout on command. Unusual and unique.
SV Staff  |  Feb 24, 2017
Apple is testing a fifth-generation Apple TV capable of streaming in 4K/Ultra HD (UHD), according to a recent BloombergTechnology report. The news comes weeks after Apple hired away the executive who had been running Amazon’s Fire TV division.
SV Staff  |  Feb 23, 2017
LG today announced pricing and availability for many of the OLED and Super UHD TVs unveiled at CES in January.
Steve Guttenberg  |  Feb 23, 2017
PRICE $249

Open- or closed-back design
Super easy to drive
A tad bright on some recordings

With its open- or closed-back design, the Edition S provides unusual flexibility at affordable cost.

HiFiMan is a hard one to pin down. True, they’re best known for their high-end, advanced-technology planar-magnetic headphones like the $2,999 HE1000 I reviewed in the November, 2015 issue of Sound & Vision. Most HiFiMan headphones are planar designs, but this new one, Edition S, is a more conventional dynamic headphone, albeit one with a rather unusual feature: It’s an open- or closed-back design. Say what? Let me explain.

Al Griffin  |  Feb 23, 2017
Got a tech question for Sound & Vision? Email us at

Q Both of my universal disc players allow me to adjust for speaker size and distance in the audio setup menu. The receivers I’m using them with provide the same functionality, but one has manual setup (Arcam Diva AVR-350) and the other has Audyssey auto setup (Marantz SR7010). Which component should I use in each system to configure speaker size and distance: the player or the receiver? —Jan Nieuweboer / via email

Barb Gonzalez  |  Feb 23, 2017
Voice control is getting smarter and smarter every day and Alexa is leading the way.
