Jun 29, 2023
When Apple CEO Tim Cook unveiled the Vision Pro headset the company plans to bring to market early next year, he touted it as a “new kind of computer that augments reality by seamlessly blending the real world with the digital world…You can see, hear, and interact with digital content just like it’s in your physical space.” Apple hailed Vision Pro as a device that has the power to change the way we experience entertainment — one that “can transform any room into your own personal theater” with a massive virtual screen. All of which begs the question: Will virtual/augmented reality head gear replace home theater as we know it? What do you think? Cast your vote below and leave a comment to explain your choice.
S&V Poll: Will VR Headsets Replace Home Theater as We Know It?
Yes! AR/VR headsets make it possible to watch movies on a huge virtual screen no matter where you are.
11% (83 votes)
Maybe. I need to know what it’s like to watch a movie while donning a headset before passing judgement.
26% (203 votes)
No way! Wearing a clunky headset will never replace the social experience of watching a movie in a real home theater.
63% (497 votes)
Total votes: 783
Jun 28, 2023
Jun 27, 2023
Jun 26, 2023
Jun 26, 2023
Jun 22, 2023