Source of boxed information: all Parks Associates except "Speed Demons," Yankee Group Oddly enough, when I was growing up two of my favorite cartoon shows held diametrically opposite views of technology in our lives. The Flintstones promoted the simple life.
Thomas J. Norton reviews the <A HREF="/videoprojectors/504sharp">SharpVision XV-Z12000 DLP projector</A>, noting that while the outside is little different from previous models, "The Sharp impressed me right out of the box, and after being calibrated it did little wrong."
Harmon gets tough: In legislative hearings over the stalled rollout of digital television last week in Washington, Rep. Jane Harmon, (D-CA.), took broadcasters to task for what <I>TV Technology</I> called their "sense of entitlement." Having received 6MHz of free bandwidth for digital transmissions, broadcasters have been reluctant to return their analog licenses, a provision that was part of the deal from day one. "They somehow seem to feel they deserve compensation," Harmon told reporters. She has asked her congressional colleagues to adopt the Homeland Emergency Response ("HERO" Act) to enforce a 2006 analog shut-off deadline, with no loopholes. That date is now only 18 months away.
Universal Electronics
Nothing's more annoying than losing the remote control between the couch cushions. Universal Electronics' new 8-in-1 Kameleon remote features a remote finder, which helps you locate a misplaced remote control. The device can control up to eight electronic devices and will illuminate the buttons necessary for operating a specific component. DVR lovers will enjoy the commercial-skip button, which lets you fast-forward through commercials. Commercial mute allows you to maintain a desired volume level between commercials and shows. The 8-in-1 Kameleon is available now at RadioShack for $80.
Universal Electronics
(714) 820-1000
DVD: Field of Dreams Two-Disc Anniversary Edition—Universal
Video: 4
Audio: 4
Extras: 4
In one of those creative masterstrokes that elude most of us, the resurrection of Shoeless Joe Jackson is used as a foil to re-examine the American experience of the 20th century, first in the book and later in the movie Field of Dreams, wherein ex-hippie/farmer Ray Kinsella (Kevin Costner) risks everything by plowing under his crop to give Jackson and others a place to play.
HT Staff | Jun 08, 2004 | First Published: Jun 09, 2004
More manufacturers are entering the LCD TV fray, and Sharp Electronics is responding to the pressure with price drops for its leading Aquos line. The new prices could prove quite attractive for movie fans that have been looking for a sleek, lightweight flat panel.
Remember that commercial when plasma TVs first came out, with that couple randomly placing their new plasma set on different walls around their apartment until they finally settled on a ceiling mount? That ad always bugged me because they made it look so easy to just decide where you wanted your TV to go and then put it there. What about the power? What about the cable hookup?
Turning DVDs with Pioneer's DVR-810H is so simple my dog could do it (true, he is a German shepherd). That's because the deck is also a TiVo hard-disk recorder, and it restricts any DVD burning to dubbing what's already on the hard drive. In other words, it doesn't give you the flexibility of a standalone DVD recorder, but it's ridiculously easy to use.