Mike Mettler  |  Oct 13, 2021
Now that Apple has upgraded its vast music library to lossless audio, is it time to refresh your music library?
Thomas J. Norton  |  Oct 12, 2021
A reader recently responded to a loudspeaker review complaining that, as set up for the review, the speakers were positioned 4-feet out from the wall behind them. Impractical, the poster commented, as he didn't have the space in his room to do that. But I always position speakers that way and suspect that most reviewers do so as well—though not all of them specifically state it. But I can't help myself; I cut my teeth writing for our sister publication Stereophile. While dubious "truths" abound in audiophilia, this one has a real basis in "the science."
Al Griffin  |  Oct 11, 2021
Veneto, a region in the North of Italy—the easternmost top of the boot—is most famous for its canal-lined capital city of Venice, but it’s also home base to Sonus faber, a speaker manufacturer known for unique, elegant designs that regularly incorporate natural materials such as wood, leather, and marble.
Bob Ankosko  |  Oct 11, 2021
Trinnov Audio, the French designer and manufacturer of high-end A/V processors, has announced upgrades for its award-winning Altitude16 surround processor and plans to ship a new 16-channel power amplifier to go with it.
Chris Chiarella  |  Oct 08, 2021
Anyone seeking to make a horror sequel would do well to study writer/ director John Krasinski's A Quiet Place Part II. A magnificent expansion of the established characters and story, this film wastes nary a second, framing the narrative with a bit of new backstory before picking up immediately after the events of the 2018 original and taking us in bold, terrifying new directions.
Al Griffin  |  Oct 08, 2021
A regular complaint aired in Sound & Vision’s Letters section is that the 5.1 surround discs covered in our Remaster Class column are 1) out of print, and 2) too expensive to buy on e-commerce and collector sites like eBay and Discogs. And while I commiserate, the reality is that disc releases, be they LP, CD, SACD, Blu-ray, or whatever, don’t remain eternally in print. That’s why there’s a thriving market for vintage vinyl, and why albums and movies are regularly remastered and reissued on disc.
Bob Ankosko  |  Oct 07, 2021
Ready for a high-end, THX certified speaker you can mount in the wall or a portable video projector with built-in streaming capability? Or how about a turntable shelf designed to mount on the wall? These are a few of the more interesting new products we’ve learned about in recent weeks.
Barb Gonzalez  |  Oct 06, 2021
Apple TV has updated to the Apple tvOS 15. As with iOS 15 on other mobile devices, it comes with some tweaks and new features. Watching shared movies and shows, sharing your Apple TV, audio features like Spatial Audio, and Home Kit enhancements are all included in the newest update. As I have it set to automatically update, I was notified of the new changes and decided to check them out.
Michael Trei  |  Oct 06, 2021

PRICE $1,146 (as tested)

Exceptionally simple to set up and use
Great sound
No remote control

With the Spin System, Andover Audio has expanded its game changing SpinBase concept to a complete hi-fi package that can be set up with minimal fuss and won't dominate your room.

If you're a boomer who grew up in the 1960s and 1970s like I did, you'll remember that no home was complete unless it had a stereo system in the living room. After you moved into a new place, the number one priority would be to get your tunes up and running, even before arranging furniture.

Bob Ankosko  |  Oct 05, 2021
NAD has announced plans to ship a new, moderately priced streaming amplifier by the end of the month.
