HT Staff  |  Jul 05, 2001
Pioneer Electronics continues to refine audio and video performance with its new generation of DVD players. The $2000 DV-38A is the company's effort to combine high-resolution sound and image at an upscale but not unattainable price.
HT Staff  |  Jul 05, 2001
Which is more important in a DVD player, styling or performance?
Steve Baldwin  |  Jul 02, 2001  |  First Published: Jul 03, 2001
Comparing the Incomparable? The Philips SACD 1000 ushers SACD into the world of multichannel audio. Does this bring the high-resolution format closer to DVD-Audio or drive them farther apart?

Apples and oranges are both great, but generally you like one or the other better. Sure, they're both fruits, and they're both sort of round, but there are lots of things you'd do with one and not the other. Ever mix vodka with apple juice? I haven't either, although the mere thought brings a shudder. Ever tried orange sauce with pork chops? Not likely.

Chris Lewis  |  Jul 02, 2001  |  First Published: Jul 03, 2001
Part two in our high-resolution-audio series introduces SACD and DSD. The CD is dead. Long live the super CD.

You must allow me a bit of hyperbole for the sake of a powerful opening statement (which, as I assume they say in journalism school, is important). The truth is, the CD is about as dead as the analog television, which means it's alive and kicking just as it has always been. Still, the writing is on the wall for both formats. While the CD can at least take consolation in the fact that it doesn't have government mandates guaranteeing its demise, the future of audio has most definitely arrived (as with television) in the form of high-resolution. Let's not forget multichannel, either. While the hard-core music lovers are salivating over the potential of high-resolution, most are well aware that popular acceptance in America usually requires the new and different to be as big and flashy as possible. On many systems, the multichannel format is undoubtedly going to represent a more-noticeable change in the way people listen to music.

Mike Wood  |  Jul 02, 2001  |  First Published: Jul 03, 2001
Feeding the Beast and Chasing Its Gremlins : A basic guide for harnessing AC power.

There's absolutely nothing worse than putting together an awesome home theater system that's starved for power or buzzing with ground loops. We often take electricity for granted, assuming it will be there when we need it. Unfortunately, that's not always the case. You don't necessarily need an electrician just to connect your audio and video system, but you may need to check out your electrical system before you spend hours, if not days, connecting all your components. The two things you should consider are whether your system is getting enough power and if your components are connected to that power system correctly.

Chris Lewis  |  Jul 02, 2001  |  First Published: Jul 03, 2001
The Highs and Lows of Super Audio: Sony's SCD-CE775 five-disc SACD player offers high resolution for a low price.

We know all too well that there are lots of new formats out there. We also know firsthand that this means a lot of spending and a whole lot of studying to try to keep pace. If everything falls into place as it should, there will come a day a couple of years from now when you'll slide into that easy chair, throw some high-definition television on the screen or some high-resolution audio into the speakers, and smile from ear to ear, wondering how you ever lived without either. No one ever said change was easy; however, from what I've seen and (more importantly) heard over the past couple of years, I have no doubt that this change will be worth it.

Gary Frisch  |  Jul 01, 2001

<I>Brendan Fraser, Elizabeth Hurley, Frances O'Connor, Orlando Jones, Miriam Shor, Brian Doyle-Murray. Directed by Harold Ramis. Aspect ratio: 2.35:1 (anamorphic). Dolby Digital 5.1. 93 minutes. 2000. Fox Home Entertainment 2000815. PG-13. $26.98.</I>

 |  Jul 01, 2001

"In George Orwell's novel <I>1984</I>, everyone had a television in their home that monitored their every move," reads a June 26 report from the <A HREF="">Center for Digital Democracy</A>, a Washington-based advocacy group. Orwell's good citizens dutifully watch, and are watched in turn, their every move tracked and recorded.

 |  Jul 01, 2001

Less than seven years after putting its first satellite in position, <A HREF="">DirecTV</A> has signed its ten millionth subscriber. The El Sugundo, CA&ndash;based direct broadcast satellite service now claims ten percent of the US television market.

Barry Willis  |  Jul 01, 2001

A threatened strike against the entertainment industry by actors will probably be avoided. Negotiators for film studios and television networks, and for two actors' unions, worked late Saturday, June 30 and resumed work Sunday morning in an effort to avoid a strike. The situation is a replay of one enacted two months ago by writers and producers, who arrived at an agreement May 4.
