SV Staff  |  Sep 24, 2018
All illustrations courtesy of Elite Screens.

You might think so. But Elite Screens’ Dave Rodgers says not so fast. It wouldn’t be wise to automatically assume that any ambient-light rejecting (ALR) screen is the best choice for ultra-show-throw (UST) projectors like the Hisense Laser TV system Al Griffin reviewed earlier this year or Sony’s extravagant VPL-VZ1000ES.

SV Staff  |  Sep 24, 2018
If you’re a planner who’s already started thinking about gifts for the holidays, here’s a cool one to consider.
Leslie Shapiro  |  Sep 24, 2018
Ever get a pair of headphones that you love for their style or comfort, but you’re just not in love with the sound profile? Sonarworks True-Fi makes it easier than ever to get “reference” studio-quality sound for over 200 headphone models.

Chris Chiarella  |  Sep 21, 2018
The monthly announcements of upcoming Criterion releases often list films I can’t pronounce, let alone recognize. But in truth, the esteemed specialty label splits its attention between lesser- known cinema and popular movies, and this recent Blu-ray menagerie holds a pair of Oscar-winners, an enduring 1985 hit, and a singular genre classic.
SV Staff  |  Sep 21, 2018
As summer gives way to fall, it’s a great time to take stock of the audio goodness bestowed upon us in the form of 25 top performing audio products we have reviewed so far this year — all recipients of Sound & Vision’s prestigious Top Pick designation. In the following pages we offer plenty to chew on: eight speakers systems, five AV receivers, three subwoofers, three amplifiers, two soundbars, two music players, a music server, and a turntable. In other words, there’s something for everyone.
Al Griffin  |  Sep 21, 2018
Got a tech question for Sound & Vision? Email us at

Q I would like to use an Oppo BDP-93 as the Blu-ray player in my system connected to an Arcam AVR350 A/V receiver. Since the Arcam is a legacy AVR with no HDMI switching, I will need to use the Oppo’s component video output. Here’s my question: Will I be able to get high-definition resolution from Blu-ray discs with this setup? I have read that Blu-rays have embedded ICT (Image Constraint Token), which forces the player to downscale the video resolution to DVD quality. Also, are there any workarounds, like using an Oppo player with early (pre-ICT) firmware? —Lisa Kaye, via email

SV Staff  |  Sep 20, 2018
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 sci-fi classic 2001: A Space Odyssey, Master Replicas Group (MRG) has created a special tribute to one of the central characters in a cinematic masterpiece that portrays the ultimate showdown between man and machine.
SV Staff  |  Sep 20, 2018
Sonarworks, the Latvia-based developer of the unique True-Fi app has announced that its patented sound-enhancing platform now supports more than 200 headphones and counting, including popular models from AKG, Apple, Audio-Technica, Beats, Behringer, Beyerdynamic, Bose, Focal, HiFiMan, JBL, Koss, Monster, Panasonic, Pioneer, Sennheiser, Sony, V-Moda, and others.
Barb Gonzalez  |  Sep 19, 2018
Have you noticed Netflix has a new look? The leading movie streaming service has been rolling out new menus for its app over the past couple of months. While the change is not earth-shattering in terms of innovation, it’s a much-needed improvement that makes it faster and easier to scroll through titles.
Daniel Kumin  |  Sep 19, 2018

PRICE $7,499

Reference-grade sonics
Outstanding digital audio performance up to 32-bit/384kHz
Gorgeous fit and finish and industrial design
Basic user interface
Comparatively limited onboard music streaming options
Ethernet connection can be finicky

The Micromega M-150 is a pricey, somewhat limited, but fine-sounding integrated amp with a super-slim form factor and surprising power.

Nominally, French firm Micromega would seem a deeply conflicted organization. Is it micro, or is it mega? We may never know. (For the record, “Micomégas” is an 18th-century, ur-science-fiction novella by that most French of Enlightenment figures, Voltaire.)

Either way, the south-of-Paris firm has an established record of filling niches in the ever-shifting digital-audiophile world, beginning with several notable high-end CD players. Today, like most such manufacturers, Micromega is redefining itself for the post-physical media age: Witness its latest M-One duo of streaming- capable, digital-input integrated amplifiers—streamplifiers, as I like to call them.
