Bob Ankosko  |  Jan 13, 2022
Though last week’s CES 2022 turned out to be somewhat of a disappointment, A/V manufacturers continue to turn out new products in the face of lingering component shortages, shipping delays, and mounting inflation. We round up the latest A/V news and product announcements, including two from the Big Show that wasn’t.
Daniel Kumin  |  Jan 12, 2022

Build Quality
PRICE $1,410 (as tested)

Very accurate, natural tonal balance
Impressive bass extension
Remarkable center-channel off-axis consistency and timbral match with towers
Towers are sensitive to placement
Some non-linearities at loudest playback levels
Generic looks (grilles-on)

With its impressive accuracy and peerless price, this Monolith by Monoprice Encore System is the new speaker value champ.

The story of how Monoprice parlayed its success as a humble purveyor of computer peripherals into its current status as a direct-to- consumer A/V gear powerhouse will have to wait for another day, mostly because I don't know it. But I do know this much: the torrent of ultra-high-value speakers and electronics, desktop audio, and even pro audio designs that have bubbled up from the Monoprice spring over the past few years is all but unprecedented in my decades in the audio/video world.

Thomas J. Norton  |  Jan 11, 2022
The so-called Golden Age of Television is a bit of a moving target, but is generally thought to have run from the early 1950s to perhaps the mid 1960s. Depending on where you draw the line it began with the first mega-hit sitcom, I Love Lucy, and ended with the launch of the original ( Kirk, Spock, Bones) Star Trek.

A key characteristic of that age was the limited number of channels available. There was no home video of any kind, no way to record a show and later skip the commercials, and (at least in the '50s) black and white viewing on an enormous 21-inch (or smaller!) screen. As primitive as all that sounds, television was then the hot new entertainment technology, and the ratings for the best shows (with their limited competition) were enormous by today's standards. We might laugh today at the TV options of that era, but remember that TV nearly killed off the movies. Audiences in 2100 might well look back at what we have today—and laugh.

Our current cornucopia of options now features 99-channels of cable (and nothing to watch!), content streamed from a range of services (and over $100/month to pay for them!), and an unlimited variety of physical video discs (and yes, physical media is struggling but still far from dead).

Then there's YouTube, a free service supported by advertising. Up until a few weeks ago I considered YouTube an Internet oddity devoted to cat videos and looney stunts...

Bob Ankosko  |  Jan 11, 2022
Israel’s Noveto showed a smart speaker at CES 2022 that uses proprietary facial tracking and smart beaming technology to create a personal listening experience.
Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Jan 10, 2022
The year is 1969. I am sitting in front of my family’s TV watching live black-and-white video from the moon. High-definition TV is still science fiction, but in the blurry picture I can see Neil Armstrong descend the ladder and step onto the lunar surface. In the middle of the transmission, I walk outside and look up at the moon, waxing crescent, thoroughly amazed that for the first time people are up there looking back at me. Now, almost a lifetime later, we are preparing to go back to the moon. Just writing that sentence gives me goosebumps.
Al Griffin  |  Jan 08, 2022
BenQ’s new product introductions at CES included a pair of projectors aimed at the gaming community, an important growth segment for the company.
Al Griffin  |  Jan 07, 2022
Ever since Sound & Vision posted Kris Deering’s in-depth review of JVC’s DLA-NZ9 D-ILA projector, a Top Pick of the Year winner for 2021, I’ve been wondering what true 8K video looks like displayed on a big screen by an 8K-capable projector. Well, I finally got my chance to have that experience at CES 2022, and it was, in a word, breathtaking.
Bob Ankosko  |  Jan 07, 2022
Canada’s Nuvyyo aims to make over-the-air (OTA) TV recording more enticing with its latest Tablo digital video recorder (DVR), which is aimed squarely at cord cutters.
Al Griffin  |  Jan 07, 2022
SVS was among less than a handful of audio companies haunting the halls of the Venetian hotel’s north tower at CES 2022, but the trek over there was worth it to see the company’s new Prime Wireless Pro Speakers. An evolution of the company’s current Prime Wireless model, the new version has a bigger cabinet for deeper bass, an HDMI eARC input, and—in response to user feedback—a remote control.
Bob Ankosko  |  Jan 07, 2022
We love finding products that are unusual or, even better, unique or trailblazing. Samsung’s Freestyle fits the bill in the way it reimagines and expands on the notion of video projection. The curious device looks like a freestanding light can you might pick up at Home Depot — which it is — but it’s also a “point-and-play” video projector and smart speaker, all rolled in one.
