HT Staff  |  Jun 12, 2001
Convergence has taken another step forward with the newest offering from Princeton Graphics Systems. On June 13, the display and monitor maker introduced its Ai3.2HD, a 32" flatscreen CRT with HDTV compatibility and interactive television features.
Michael Antonoff  |  Jun 11, 2001

Backward-compatibility can come at the expense of innovation, as we learned from the failure of the Digital Compact Cassette in the early '90s. The DCC format enabled a new generation of hardware both to record digital tape cassettes and to play standard analog cassettes.

Parke Puterbaugh  |  Jun 10, 2001

The first time I heard Everyday, I thought it was terrible, a train wreck of Led Zeppelin, fusion, and grunge. The material seemed contrived, formless, and prickly. And then I kept listening, adapted to it, and rather grew to like it.

SV Staff  |  Jun 10, 2001


"Point and click" may be the World Wide Web's catch phrase, but it could just as well apply to Canon's ES8200V Hi8 camcorder. Thanks to its six programmed auto-exposure modes, capturing the action isn't much harder than aiming and pushing a button.

Jon Iverson  |  Jun 10, 2001

There may be more than one way to skin the HDTV cat. Last week, <A HREF="">ViaGate Technologies</A> announced what the company is terming "a major breakthrough" with what it says is the successful delivery of High Definition Television (HDTV) over an existing fiber network through its ViaGate 4160 Access Switch utilizing standard copper telephone wires. ViaGate, in conjunction with CompleteTV and <A HREF="">Artel Video Systems</A>, says that it has introduced this potential service to complement a host of broadband entertainment and connectivity services that are being field tested in Tennessee.

Barry Willis  |  Jun 10, 2001

Microsoft must still be smarting from a blow delivered by AT&T Broadband. On June 6, the telecommunications giant announced that it was scaling back its plans to implement Microsoft's interactive television software in its next generation of digital set-top boxes (STBs).

Wes Phillips  |  Jun 10, 2001

<I>The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!<BR> Leslie Nielsen, Priscilla Presley, George Kennedy, O.J. Simpson, Ricardo Montalban. Directed by Jerry Zucker. Aspect ratio: 1.85:1 (anamorphic). 84 minutes. 1988. Paramount Home Video 32100. PG-13. $29.99.</I>

 |  Jun 10, 2001

Film director John Waters will lead off the <A HREF="">DVD Entertainment 2001 Conference & Showcase</A>, to be held August 22 & 23, 2001 at the Hilton Universal City & Towers, in Universal City, CA. Conference organizers announced on June 5 that Waters would give a keynote presentation entitled "From the Lens to Plastic: A Typically Unorthodox View of DVD," detailing how the format has brought his work to a new audience.

HT Staff  |  Jun 09, 2001
Passive radiators fell out of favor with loudspeaker manufacturers in the early 1980's, but the technology always showed promise for extending the low-end response from small cabinets. Tigard, OR-based Aperion Audio, formerly known as EdgeAudio, has revived the design with the introduction of a new 150-watt powered subwoofer selling for just under $400.
Al Griffin  |  Jun 07, 2001

Working at Sound & Vision, we sometimes wonder if the artists who make the music and movies we play on our tweaked-out systems have the same gear fetish we do. When we heard that the Beastie Boys' Adam Yauch had asked the prestigious Criterion DVD label to work with him on a collection of the trio's music videos, we suspected he might be a kindred spirit.
