Mike Wood  |  Jan 18, 2001  |  First Published: Jan 19, 2001
Making TV Simple Again—that's what Sony has done with their KV-36XBR400 direct-view television.

It used to be that a TV plugged into the antenna or cable outlet and that was that. Then we got fancy and connected the antenna to the VCR and then to the TV.

Thomas J. Norton  |  Jan 14, 2001

J<I>ohn Ritter, Pam Dawber, Jeffrey Jones, Eugene Levy. Directed by Peter Hyams. Aspect ratio: 2.35:1 (anamorphic). Dolby Digital 5.1 (English), Dolby Surround (French). 89 minutes. 1992. Warner Home Video 16886. PG. $24.98.</I>

 |  Jan 14, 2001

According to the latest estimates, released last week by the <A HREF="">Consumer Electronics Association</A> (CEA), unit sales to dealers (note: not sell-through to consumers) of digital television (DTV) displays and integrated sets achieved 625,000 in 2000, accounting for $1.4 billion in sales. The CEA projects that unit sales of DTV sets and displays will show 80% growth in 2001, reaching 1.125 million or $2.1 billion in sales. The trade group also forecasts unit sales of 2.1 million in 2002, 4 million in 2003, 5.4 million in 2004, 8 million in 2005, and 10.5 million in 2006.

Jon Iverson  |  Jan 14, 2001

In the spirit of "if at first you don't succeed . . .," Hollywood is attempting every combination of interactive DVD/Internet "synergy" it can think of. Warner Home Video will be taking its latest stab at convergence January 17 when the company will be hosting a "Virtual Theater" event for their DVD release of <I>The Perfect Storm</I>.

Barry Willis  |  Jan 14, 2001

Although electrical systems and broadcasting standards vary from country to country, visionaries have always imagined that one day worldwide technology would adhere to one set of specifications. That may never happen. The electronics industry's hope that the DVD would become a universal format, the video equivalent of the CD, may be scuttled by Chinese manufacturers seeking to avoid paying royalties to the format's designers, according to several stories appearing in industry publications in the wake of the recent Consumer Electronics Show.

Barry Willis  |  Jan 14, 2001

Dual formats or dueling formats? As recordable DVD gains momentum, consumers are apt to be confused by differences between DVD-RW ("DVD-rewritable") and an alternate version called DVD+RW ("DVD plus RW").

HT Staff  |  Jan 10, 2001
Until recently, movie fans on the go had to shell out a few grand for laptop computers with DVD playback capability. Such units typically weigh a several pounds and offer far more functionality than movie fans need.
HT Staff  |  Jan 10, 2001
Screens made by Stewart Filmscreen Corporation are not merely the choice of home theater fans worldwide. They are also the choice of such discriminating clients as the National Air and Space Administration and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which has twice honored the company with Technology Achievement awards.
Jon Iverson  |  Jan 08, 2001

Projectors are where the home theater action is this year. Texas Instruments' Digital Light Processing micro-mirror technology has been adapted by many manufacturers in their new projectors, which offers amazing gains in brightness over earlier models. Sim2 S&#233;leco, a projector company based in Pordenone, Italy and Miramar, Florida, has several beautiful projectors, including the sleek HT 200 and HT 250 models, which are capable of brightness levels of 800 ANSI Lumens and 900 ANSI Lumens respectively, and resolution levels of 800 x 600 (SVGA) and 1024 x 768 (XGA) respectively. The S&#233;leco projectors boast a lamp life of 4000 hours; the HT 250 includes an IEEE 1394 input.

Jon Iverson  |  Jan 07, 2001

Two or three years ago, HDTV was the hottest topic at the Consumer Electronics Show. Not so this year&mdash;manufacturers have decided to de-emphasize the format, due to slow market acceptance and widespread uncertainty about technical standards. Instead, they are concentrating on Internet capabilities, digital networking, recordable DVD, and video projectors.
