|  Dec 10, 2000

Television viewers can't get enough of direct broadcast satellite services. Both <A HREF="">DirecTV</A> and <A HREF="">EchoStar</A> have reported huge increases in new subscribers for the third quarter of 2000.

 |  Dec 10, 2000

If you subscribe to a cable system or direct broadcast satellite service, you probably need a set-top box (STB) hooked up to your television. Where would you prefer to get your STB? According to a recent study, most TV viewers still prefer to buy retail.

Jon Iverson  |  Dec 10, 2000

Last week, interactive television developer <A HREF="">TeleCruz Technology</A> and <A HREF="">Zenith</A> announced a product development agreement intended to integrate TeleCruz's technology inside Zenith's multimedia television platform. The two companies claim this will result in the first generation of integrated interactive television sets.

HT Staff  |  Dec 07, 2000
Among the many accolades being showered on the Loewe Aconda line of high definition televisions are "elegant styling" and "unsurpassed performance." The line was recently introduced by Sensory Science Corporation. With 1080i capability and RS-232 computer interfaces, the new sets are pushing the limits of CRT design.
HT Staff  |  Dec 07, 2000
Tired of the slow rollout of HDTV? Got a growing library of DVDs? Been waiting in vain for the appearance of affordable HD displays? If the answer is "Yes," you may wish to tide yourself over with an inexpensive NTSC rear projector.
Jon Iverson  |  Dec 03, 2000

In an effort to place the cable set-top box at the center of the home entertainment universe, <A HREF="">Scientific-Atlanta</A> last week unveiled its new Explorer 8000 set-top, which is expected to begin shipping during the summer of 2001. The company also announced that Time Warner Cable has signed purchase orders, commiting them to buy sufficient numbers of the device to satisfy most of the cable operator's forecasted requirements for calendar years 2001 and 2002 for this class of digital set-top.

Wes Phillips  |  Dec 03, 2000

T<I>he Road to the Awards: Seven Outstanding Nominated Shorts from the 72nd Academy Awards. Various stars & directors. 126 minutes. 1999. Atom Films. NR. $24.99.</I>

 |  Dec 03, 2000

Films as physical commodities have begun to disappear, thanks to companies like <A HREF="">Harmonic, Inc</A>. Eventually, most films shown in theaters&mdash;and many films viewed in homes&mdash;will be delivered not as film reels or video discs but as digital signals beamed from satellites.

Barry Willis  |  Dec 03, 2000

Personal video recorder pioneer <A HREF="">ReplayTV</A> has decided to abandon the product category it co-created last year with competitor <A HREF="">TiVo, Inc</A>. The Mountain View, California-based company will concentrate instead on licensing its technology to cable providers and hardware maanufaturers for inclusion in a new generation of set-top boxes.

Barry Willis  |  Dec 03, 2000

In a few years, many computer users will have DVD-ROM drives, DVD burners, and Internet connections with sufficient bandwidth to make the sharing and copying of full-length movies a real possibility. The emerging prospect for what some are calling "Napster for movies" has film studios exploring movie downloading and streaming technology, or "video-on-demand."
