HT Staff  |  Jan 21, 2001
Only a handful of companies have successfully made and marketed both electronics and loudspeakers, but Krell Industries intends to do just that. The legendary electronics maker has introduced new high-performance loudspeaker system designated the "Lossless Acoustic Transducer" (LAT) Series. The new speakers made their official debut at the 2001 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.
Mike Wood  |  Jan 18, 2001  |  First Published: Jan 19, 2001
"It's not dead yet! In fact, it looks like it's going for a walk."

Monty Python's take on the plague in the Middle Ages could just as easily be applied to the CRT-based front-projector market. Pundits have long proclaimed that CRT technology, at least 30 to 40 years old and an admitted setup and maintenance hassle, is dead, or at least in its last years of life. Upstarts like DLP and D-ILA and adolescents like LCD are ready to take CRT's place in the front-projector market. Then, as other consumer-projector manufacturers close their doors, a new CRT company pops up.

Chris Lewis  |  Jan 18, 2001  |  First Published: Jan 19, 2001
Our not-too-expensive Center-Channel Face Off centers on Phase Technology, NHT, and Acoustic Research.

Slowly but surely (and sadly, in many ways), we've become an overly centric society. Think about it for a minute: Companies (and entire industries, for that matter) are more centralized now than they've been since the days of the robber barons. And our government—let's not kid ourselves, friends: This ain't exactly Cold War Soviet Union, but it's not the sprawling, decentralized (and power-limited) federal structure that the Founding Fathers envisioned, either. Apparently, states' rights went out of fashion with the stagecoach and the stovepipe hat. Even from a cultural standpoint, our focus seems to have shifted dramatically toward the glorification of the individual over the good of the whole. But centralization certainly has its good points, as well (sure, it's an odd segue, but hopefully I got your attention). One need look no further than one's home theater system—that bountiful refuge from the madness of unchecked bureaucracies, hostile corporate takeovers, and me-me-me self-indulgence—to realize that a little centralization can go a long way in enhancing your movie-watching experience.

Mike Wood  |  Jan 18, 2001  |  First Published: Jan 19, 2001
In part three of our series explaining our technical measurements, senior technical editor Mike Wood takes on the amplifier—more specifically, the receiver and the amplifier.

A. A dedicated multichannel amplifier doesn't have the frills of a receiver but likely offers better performance.
Mike Wood  |  Jan 18, 2001  |  First Published: Jan 19, 2001
Making TV Simple Again—that's what Sony has done with their KV-36XBR400 direct-view television.

It used to be that a TV plugged into the antenna or cable outlet and that was that. Then we got fancy and connected the antenna to the VCR and then to the TV.

Thomas J. Norton  |  Jan 14, 2001

J<I>ohn Ritter, Pam Dawber, Jeffrey Jones, Eugene Levy. Directed by Peter Hyams. Aspect ratio: 2.35:1 (anamorphic). Dolby Digital 5.1 (English), Dolby Surround (French). 89 minutes. 1992. Warner Home Video 16886. PG. $24.98.</I>

 |  Jan 14, 2001

According to the latest estimates, released last week by the <A HREF="">Consumer Electronics Association</A> (CEA), unit sales to dealers (note: not sell-through to consumers) of digital television (DTV) displays and integrated sets achieved 625,000 in 2000, accounting for $1.4 billion in sales. The CEA projects that unit sales of DTV sets and displays will show 80% growth in 2001, reaching 1.125 million or $2.1 billion in sales. The trade group also forecasts unit sales of 2.1 million in 2002, 4 million in 2003, 5.4 million in 2004, 8 million in 2005, and 10.5 million in 2006.

Jon Iverson  |  Jan 14, 2001

In the spirit of "if at first you don't succeed . . .," Hollywood is attempting every combination of interactive DVD/Internet "synergy" it can think of. Warner Home Video will be taking its latest stab at convergence January 17 when the company will be hosting a "Virtual Theater" event for their DVD release of <I>The Perfect Storm</I>.

Barry Willis  |  Jan 14, 2001

Although electrical systems and broadcasting standards vary from country to country, visionaries have always imagined that one day worldwide technology would adhere to one set of specifications. That may never happen. The electronics industry's hope that the DVD would become a universal format, the video equivalent of the CD, may be scuttled by Chinese manufacturers seeking to avoid paying royalties to the format's designers, according to several stories appearing in industry publications in the wake of the recent Consumer Electronics Show.

Barry Willis  |  Jan 14, 2001

Dual formats or dueling formats? As recordable DVD gains momentum, consumers are apt to be confused by differences between DVD-RW ("DVD-rewritable") and an alternate version called DVD+RW ("DVD plus RW").
