David Vaughn  |  Dec 19, 2022

Kaleidescape Scenes
One of the bloodiest battles of World War II happened on Okinawa in 1945 and it wasn’t a place you wanted to be if you didn’t carry a weapon. But for contentious objector Desmond Doss, this wasn’t an option. While he believed the war was justified — which is why he volunteered — his personal belief was that killing was wrong and he wasn’t going to be a party to it. He joined the military to be a medic and was there to save lives, not take them. And save lives he did — 75 of them over the course of one night when he was stuck behind enemy li
Ralph Potts  |  Dec 16, 2022
As a film enthusiast and writer, I often find myself involved in discussions revolving around what are my favorite films, and what I consider to be The Best Film of All Time. Neither question can be simply answered, however there is no doubt that Casablanca will always be a part of the conversation.
Bob Ankosko  |  Dec 15, 2022
Okay, now we’re really getting down to the wire. Christmas is 10 days away and it’s awfully late to be still thinking about holiday shopping…yet I know I’m not alone. The good news: There’s still time to squeak in a few last-minute gifts and there are some really sweet deals to be had. Adding to last week’s holiday gift list, here’s another 10 potential gifts to give (and get) — all Top Picks, vetted and approved by Sound & Vision reviewers — 11 if you count our just-posted Top Pick: Bowers & Wilkins’ excellent Px8 noise-canceling wireless headphones. This week’s picks range in price from $230 to $800 and are presented here from least to most expensive with current discounts noted. Happy last-minute shopping!
Barb Gonzalez  |  Dec 14, 2022
Following this past year’s merger of HBO Max and Discovery, it appears the new service will be called simply “Max.” This could be a foretelling of the new service, as many series, including Westworld, were canceled and will soon be removed from the service altogether. CEO David Zaslav is taking a radical stance to reduce costs and make investors happy.
Leslie Shapiro  |  Dec 14, 2022

PRICE $699

Excellent sound quality
Beautiful fit and finish
Very good noise-cancellation algorithms
High-quality streaming codec
Expensive, and even more expensive for the James Bond special edition
Very snug fit might not be comfortable while wearing glasses
Increased bass boost in noise-cancellation mode

I tried, honestly, I did. I closed my eyes; I listened in the dark. However, try as I might, I could not separate the absolutely stunning fit and finish of the Bowers & Wilkins Px8 headphones from their sound quality. That initial feeling that this would be something special pervaded throughout my review experience. Bottom line: the Px8 sounds exactly as good as you would expect from something that looks and feels so luxurious.

There's a certain expectation when you pay up for a product. Buy a premium car, and you'll expect a certain feel, fit and finish to every aspect, from the dashboard to the tailpipe. Buy a luxury watch and every component—the links, clasp, and crown—feels deluxe. The Px8 gives you that instantaneous expectation of quality. The Bowers & Wilkins Px8 headphones are the newest flagship over-ear noise-canceling headphones, firmly placed at the top of their "reference" quality lineup. While the price is a gut-punching $699, the build and sound quality just might be worth it.

Mark Henninger  |  Dec 13, 2022
JVC swept the field at the inaugural Projector Shootout evaluation event, put on by Dealerscope and Value Electronics at 335 Madison Avenue (NYC) on December 11, 2022. I attended to see all the competing projectors do their thing in person and for the excellent conversations with people who know their stuff when it comes to projection.
Bob Ankosko  |  Dec 12, 2022
With CES 2023 now less than a month away, advance news is starting to trickle in. LG Display has announced that it will preview a new low-profile sound producing technology for cars it calls the Thin Actuator Sound Solution.
Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Dec 12, 2022
I am doing spring cleaning. Yes, it is currently winter. But I live in Florida, and it's too damn hot to do manual labor in the spring. Ergo I am currently cleaning out my storage locker. As a result, I think I have to buy this Audio-Technica turntable. I'll explain.

Mike Mettler  |  Dec 09, 2022
Checking in exclusively with the producers behind the massive new box set for Queen's stunning May 1989 album The Miracle, to learn why you'll want it all—and you'll want it now.
Bob Ankosko  |  Dec 08, 2022
Yes, we know… You haven’t finished your holiday shopping. You’re not alone and if you’re like me, you haven’t even started. Yet, the clock keeps ticking: 16 days ’til Christmas with only days left to order online and ensure gifts get where they need to be in advance of the Big Day. In the spirit of helping you (and me) check an item or two off the ’ol shopping list, here are 10 potential gifts to give (and get) — all Top Picks, vetted and approved by your friends at Sound & Vision — 11 if you count our just-posted Top Value Pick: the Monolith THX-certified 5.1 minispeaker system.
