Marc Horowitz  |  Jan 03, 2007
Movie ••• Picture ••••½ Sound •••• Extras ••••
This being a Jerry Bruckheimer production
 |  Jan 03, 2007

 |  Jan 03, 2007

Q. After reading your article "Why You Need Four Subwoofers" (November 2006), I felt adding a second subwoofer would probably be enough for my rec room. I just have two questions. First, should the second sub be the same size and power as my first sub, or is it better to have two different sizes?

Al Griffin  |  Jan 03, 2007

As new formats go, Blu-ray Disc got off to a shaky start. First, there were repeated production delays with Sony's PlayStation 3, an overhauled version of the company's popular game console that features a Blu-ray Disc drive for high-definition movie playback.

John Sciacca  |  Jan 03, 2007

It's been several months since I originally reviewed the NevoSL remote. And after holding so many other small, lightweight remotes since then - various models from Harmony, Universal Remote Control, and Monster Cable - it was nice to have the Nevo back in my hand recently.

Ken Richardson  |  Jan 03, 2007

BLACK IS BLACK. True, but you won't believe how deep it goes on the high-def reissues of U2's 1988 concert pic Rattle and Hum (Paramount; Movie •••••; Blu-ray Disc Picture ••••, Sound ••••; HD DVD Picture ••••, Sound ••••½; Original Extras ½, New Extras: None).

Brett Milano  |  Jan 03, 2007

Rob O'Connor  |  Jan 03, 2007
The Information Interscope
Music •••• Sound ••••
Beck recycles everything (his beats, his raps), and that includes his sonics,
Brett Milano  |  Jan 03, 2007

Steve Simels  |  Jan 03, 2007
Boys and Girls in America Vagrant
Music •••½ Sound ••••
Wonder what a rock bar band sounds like in the early 21st ce
