Fred Manteghian  |  Nov 21, 2006

That's right. It's my birthday. Fifty years ago, I arrived. But unlike this Magnavox console which followed me into the world a few years later, I've not been abandoned curbside. At least, not yet.

 |  Nov 19, 2006

Toshiba's representatives contacted us this week to let us know that the $499 HD-A2 second generation HD DVD, originally due in stores in November, is now looking at an early December release. The high-end $999 HD-XA2 remains on target for a December debut.

 |  Nov 19, 2006

Sony took official ownership of CEDIA 2006 on Day 1 when it officially announced the VPL-VW50 SXRD front projector. Sony had previously lit the world on fire with the VPL-VW100<A HREF="">"Ruby"</A>, a fully outfitted three-chip 1080p SXRD projector with a retail of $10K, which was significantly less money than the premium single-chip 720p DLPs that ruled the day when it was released in Fall 2005 (not to mention that is a full two-thirds cheaper than Sony's first SXRD front pro, the <A HREF="">Qualia 004</A>).

 |  Nov 19, 2006

Once upon a time Pioneer Elite was <I>the</I> choice for a serious enthusiast in the market for a CRT-based RPTV. They had the best out of the box image there was, and in fact, I often felt as a calibrator that I was seldom offering more than a touch-up on those sets. They were great sets, and priced to match that high level of performance.

 |  Nov 17, 2006

Last night I went to a rock concert and a product launch broke out. But seriously folks, as you're all probably aware Sony's long awaited PlayStation3 game console officially went on sale at midnight last night around the country. I attended the San Francisco launch at the Sony Metreon, where fans, er consumers, were camped out and lined up around the building and down the street for the privilege of buying the consoles as they went on sale at the stroke of midnight.

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Nov 17, 2006
At midnight last night, the very first PlayStation 3s were sold. To herald the even, there were huge launch parties in New York and San Francisco. A few of us journalist types were brought up to check it all out.
Mark Fleischmann  |  Nov 17, 2006
"There are eight million stories in the naked city," says the voiceover from the 1958 film noir of that name, and there are also 3000 stories in the Made for iPod city. One of them is Logitech's AudioStation. It hasn't got a handle, so it isn't exactly a boombox, but it does have two speakers surrounding a central control unit. What makes it special are touch-sensitive controls and a jutting dock for the iPod's 30-pin receptacle.
Shane Buettner  |  Nov 16, 2006
  • $4,000 (MAP)
  • 1920x1080 three-chip LCD
  • Key Connections: Dual HDMI inputs
Features We Like: Dynamic iris for deep blacks, motorized zoom and focus, vertical and horizontal lens shift, Color Management System
Ultimate AV Staff  |  Nov 16, 2006

<IMG SRC="/images/archivesart/1106panasonicptae1000u.jpg" WIDTH=449 HEIGHT=240>

Thomas J. Norton  |  Nov 16, 2006

Panasonic has announced the PT-AE1000U, its first 1920x1080p LCD projector. Priced at $5,999 ($4,000 MAP- Minimum Advertised Price), the unit is said to offer features useful both to consumers and film production studios for use in production and post-production activities.
