Steve Guttenberg  |  Oct 24, 2006  |  First Published: Oct 25, 2006
The little system that could.

Some guys fantasize about winning the Mega Millions Lottery and driving into the sunset in a $1.25-million Bugatti Veyron 16.4 supercar. Or maybe a giddy winner would fork over heaps of cash for an ultimate home theater. The market for ultrahigh-end exotica is surging, but, while I'm waiting for my big payday, I thought I'd come back down to earth and have some fun with one of Onkyo's most reasonably priced audio/video receivers, the TX-SR504 ($300), partnered with Canton's sleek Movie CD 201 speaker system ($1,999). Budgetary constraints be damned, the little system still had to sound great in my home theater and deliver the goods in a cozy bedroom, office, or den.

Fred Manteghian  |  Oct 24, 2006

To me, Rotel has always been the Everyman's answer to high-end audio. The company has always followed a "straight wire with gain" philosophy, which has earned it respect throughout the audiophile community. Like NAD, it's believed in holding to conservative power ratings, particularly compared to mass-market American and Japanese offerings. My daughter uses "40-Watt" Rotel integrated amplifier that's a decade old to drive her Magnepan MMG speakers, which are a pretty tough load, and it is more than comfortable with the task.

Ultimate AV Staff  |  Oct 24, 2006

<IMG SRC="/images/archivesart/1006toshiba47lz196.jpg" WIDTH=331 HEIGHT=248 BORDER=0>

Ultimate AV Staff  |  Oct 24, 2006

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Ultimate AV Staff  |  Oct 24, 2006

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Ultimate AV Staff  |  Oct 24, 2006

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Ultimate AV Staff  |  Oct 24, 2006

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Ultimate AV Staff  |  Oct 24, 2006

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Geoffrey Morrison  |  Oct 24, 2006
The people at Microsoft are complete idiots. No, that’s not exactly true. They’re charlatans. They are purposely misleading the public. They recently announced a software upgrade will be available soon that will allow the Xbox 360 to output 1080p.
Ultimate AV Staff  |  Oct 24, 2006

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