Daniel Kumin  |  Jul 02, 2006

Old joke: Heaven is the place where the police are British, the cooks are French, the lovers Italian, bureaucrats Swiss, and the engineers German. Hell is the place where the cooks are British, the engineers Italian, bureaucrats French, lovers Swiss, and the police German.

John Sciacca  |  Jul 02, 2006

Back in high school, I had to write an essay on "the more things change, the more they stay the same." (I'm sure the teacher enjoyed reading it about as much as I enjoyed writing it.) While that might hold true for many things, it couldn't be more off base when describing the constantly evolving world of technology.

Darryl Wilkinson  |  Jul 02, 2006
Explay, a company focused on developing "nano-projector engines" to be used in a variety of consumer electronics products", says it has tested its nano-projector technology with several mobile devices (things like cell phones, digital camcorders, and portable media players) and successfully produced "eye-safe, always focused images".
Bob Lefsetz  |  Jul 01, 2006

If I hear one more old fart who grew up separating seeds from stems in the middle of a gatefold cover say we've got to save the album, my head is gonna EXPLODE!

 |  Jul 01, 2006

George Lucas In an S&V exclusive, George Lucas chats with his favorite princess (Carrie Fisher) about Star Wars on DVD, the future of movies, and girls (yes, girls)

Parke Puterbaugh  |  Jun 30, 2006
We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions Columbia
Music •••• Sound •••½
 |  Jun 30, 2006

DLP vs. LCoS Two of today's hottest displays go side-by-side in our third HDTV technology face-off

DLP vs. LCD Rear-projection HDTV technologies square off in S&V's second big-screen smackdown

Darryl Wilkinson  |  Jun 30, 2006
Following the likes of Bang & Olufsen and Sony, Pioneer will open a retail store in the United States this August. The 32,000-square-foot company store, to be located at South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa, California, will offer Pioneer and Pioneer Elite components traditionally sold in the U.S. in addition to products currently available only in Japan. Pioneer intends for the store to be a testing ground for these and other new products. The company expects the retail outlet to provide it with consumer feedback that will "impact and enhance future product development."
Mark Fleischmann  |  Jun 30, 2006
21st Century Vinyl is better described by its subtitle: Michael Fremer's Practical Guide to Turntable Set-Up. The heart of the program is a series of segments in which Fremer turns three uncrated turntables into functional music machines. Along the way he encounters problems but keeps his cool. In so doing he sets a good example for 21st-century vinyl neophytes who are attracted to the musicality of vinyl but intimidated by the mystic art of getting a complex mechanical device up and running and sounding its very best.
Fred Manteghian  |  Jun 29, 2006

We can describe all the colors in the universe, well, at least the colors of Fox, Disney, MGM, Warner Brothers and Universal, with but three primary colors: red, green and blue. That's how our projectors do it. Blind people have been asked to describe the colors they've never seen, and I think they need a lot of words to accomplish what three tint filters and a gain control can do. I hope they're not reading this. That last could be deemed offensive.
