Parke Puterbaugh  |  May 09, 2006
Streets of New York 00:02:59
Music •••• Sound •••½
Willie Nile is the last of a dying breed: an urban songwriter who
Billy Altman  |  May 09, 2006
Fox Confessor Brings the Flood Anti/Epitaph
Music •••• Sound ••••
The latest from solo artist (and New Pornographer) Neko Case
Ken Richardson  |  May 09, 2006

I've said it once in these pages, and I'll say it again: SANTANA's self-titled third album, a.k.a. Santana III (gatefold below), is the best thing they've ever done. Columbia/Legacy has reissued the 1971 album once, and now they've done it again, making it a two-disc Legacy Edition.

Ken Korman  |  May 09, 2006
Capote Sony
Movie •••• Picture/Sound ••• Extras •••
Movie •••• Picture/Sound ••• Extras •••
Painfully sad but sometimes laugh-out-loud hilarious, The Squid and the Whal
Sol Louis Siegel  |  May 09, 2006
The Criterion Collection
Movie •••• Picture/Sound •••• Extras •••
John Ford's fanciful tale of Abraham Lincoln as a young
Rad Bennett  |  May 09, 2006
Movie •••½ Picture/Sound •••• Extras •••½
One of the many extras on this two-disc set provides a
Rad Bennett  |  May 09, 2006
Platinum Edition Disney
Movie •••½ Picture/Sound ••••½ Extras ••••
Walt Disney's c
Brandon Grafius  |  May 09, 2006
The Criterion Collection
Movie •••½ Picture/Sound •••• Extras ••••
Steven Soderbergh's magnum opus - a taut, u
Ken Korman  |  May 09, 2006

The most surprising Oscar winner for Best Picture in decades, Crash (Lionsgate; Movie •••½, Picture/Sound •••½, Extras ••½) has a couple of secret weapons that quietly recommended it to members of the Academy. First, it captures the true look and feel of Los Angeles, where the majority of Oscar voters live.
