Fred Manteghian  |  Dec 11, 2005

Looking for home theater on the cheap? The 1280x720 <A HREF="" TARGET="NEW"> <b> InFocus ScreenPlay 5000 </b></A> LCD projector can be had at Costco for $999. Follow the directions glued to the box and they’ll mail you a 72” screen as well. Not that the guy in front of me in the checkout line was going to bother with a screen. Last year he bought his first projector and just painted his basement wall white. This second InFocus projector was for his kid (click <u>here</u> to download adoption papers).

Fred Manteghian  |  Dec 10, 2005

That’s right, don’t buy an Xbox 360, especially if you live in Connecticut. This just out – the models being distributed in Connecticut are defective <i>and</i> Microsoft’s warranty has a special Connecticut exclusion clause which invokes double secret arbitration as the consumer’s only remedy in the case of a defect, odds of which are, I’m told off the record, in the very high 90th percentile.

 |  Dec 09, 2005

Alfred Hitchcock The Masterpiece Collection (Universal, 15 DVDs, $120) Saboteur, Shadow of a Doubt, Rope, Rear Window, The Trouble with Harry, The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956), Vertigo, Psycho, The Birds, Marnie, Torn Curtain, Topaz, Frenzy, Family P

 |  Dec 09, 2005

Most of us would have our hands full just getting a whole-house audio/video system installed. Imagine taking on that task while starring in a Broadway play, directing your first feature film, and supervising the renovation of a 3,000-square-foot apartment.

Parke Puterbaugh  |  Dec 09, 2005

Nearly four decades passed between Cream's 1968 swansong at London's premier venue and the band's reunion shows this year on the same stage.

Rad Bennett  |  Dec 09, 2005
Movie •••• Picture/Sound •••• Extras •••
To coincide with the theatrical release of Wallace & Gromit's first feature, The Curse of the Were-Rabbit<
Marc Horowitz  |  Dec 09, 2005
Movie •••• Picture/Sound •••• Extras •••
Writer/director Gus Van Sant re-imagines the end of
Brandon Grafius  |  Dec 09, 2005
Series •••½ Picture/Sound •••• Extras •••½
A sneak attack from the Cylons nearly wipes out hu
Ken Korman  |  Dec 09, 2005
Movie ••• Picture/Sound ••• Extras •••
This contemplative thriller from director Sydney Pollack ne
Ken Korman  |  Dec 09, 2005
Paramount/20th Century Fox
Movie •••• Picture/Sound •••• Extras ••••
It's taken eight long years, but the many fans of
