Fred Manteghian  |  Nov 01, 2005

When we added the addition that contains the office to our house in 1990, I had the wherewithal to run speaker wires from the built-in nook in the office to the opposite wall. The idea was to put the stereo in the alcove and not have wires showing. I knew enough to use Radio Shack’s finest 16-gauge copper. Of course, I never actually <i>used </i>the wires or the nook. There was always some interesting high-end cable being proffered, and I’m only human. Besides, the speakers and equipment were out on display in the reviewing room, not meant to be hidden in an alcove.

 |  Oct 31, 2005
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Geoffrey Morrison  |  Oct 31, 2005
I guess I should welcome you all to my blog. Does anyone actually read these things? I guess I’ll find out. Being the Video Editor, I’ll take this space to babble on about all things video. Certainly hardware will take up a big chunk of blog space, but I’ll also talk about HD program material, video games, and anything else you can put up on a big screen. I’ll try to make this space as informative and fun to read as possible, but seeing as I have a hard enough time being interesting once a month in the magazine, doing it once a week should be. . . well, we shall see.
 |  Oct 30, 2005

<I>UAV</I> readers have been flooded with so much news lately about the transition to HDTV- with respect to both the HD DVD vs. Blu-ray format war, and this country's transition to digital TV broadcast- that I almost feel bad bringing this one up. But it's true- in late October Warner Bros. began field trials of digital cinema presentations in Japan featuring so-called 4K resolution, which is, gulp, an image with a pixel count of 4096x2160.

Thomas J. Norton  |  Oct 30, 2005
Comedian Robert Klein once did a routine about those ubiquitous old K-Tel TV ads for huge collections of music on a cassette or CD box set. "Every Elvis Presley song for just $9.99 plus shipping and handling," he began. Riffing on the increasing grandiosity of those ads, he ended with a flourish, "A trailer truck will pull up to your house loaded with CDs filled with every piece of music ever recorded!"
Joel Brinkley  |  Oct 30, 2005

Sony's new flagship "ES" DVD player is the fourth in a proud line whose first progeny arrived seven years ago. The prices have remained relatively stable through all that time. Any changes have generally been price declines, while performance and features have improved, model after model.

Fred Manteghian  |  Oct 30, 2005

Finding out that I was roommate non-gratis for CES 2006 was a real bummer. Apparently, I've "slept" with most of our writers and the words out. I snore like a Klipsch. No matter, I'm going, and I'll probably stay at a hotel of my choosing all by my lonesome. Tell the truth, that's the way I prefer it. Nothing beats parading around your hotel room with your Blackberry, sans pantalones.

Darryl Wilkinson  |  Oct 30, 2005
A recent study1 has found that remote controls are lost or misplaced more often than car keys, eyeglasses, small poodles, and great ideas for surveys. Tampa, Florida-based PRISM Sales International believes it has found a way to end the agony of the lost remote2 forever (or at least until the batteries in this new product run out).
Adrienne Maxwell  |  Oct 29, 2005
Audio myth #1: You have to be a hardcore audiophile to hear and appreciate the way a good speaker system can complete your home entertainment experience.
