James K. Willcox  |  Oct 01, 2005

Jarring juxtapositions of technology and design might work for the sets in a Tim Burton movie, but they usually don't for someone's home. Many custom installers find that adding high-tech gear to an older house with a well-defined architectural style can be daunting because the technology can clash with or overpower the traditional design.

Michael Gaughn  |  Oct 01, 2005

Five years ago, if you'd asked a home theater nut if you could play Metal Gear Solid on his 50-inch screen, he probably would have beaten you about the head and neck with a copy of the Die Hard trilogy and banished you from the room.

Jon M. Gibson  |  Oct 01, 2005

Woe is Jericho Cross, a half-man, half-vampire who's totally pissed off in DARKWATCH (Capcom; PS2, Xbox; Game ••••, Graphics/Sound •••½). Still, you can't really blame the man in black: his days are spent dealing death to blood-sucking scum, everything from skeletal reapers recklessly swinging scythes to bitchy banshees with killer vocal cords.

Drew Thompson  |  Oct 01, 2005
VU Games (all consoles)
Game •••• Graphics/Sound •••½
Still fuming over Ang Lee's horrendous Hulk flick?
Daniel Sozomenu  |  Oct 01, 2005
EA (all consoles)
Game ••••½ Graphics/Sound ••••
As the only pro player on the console gridiron (because of an exclusive deal with the NFL), EA might've been content to relea
Jon M. Gibson  |  Oct 01, 2005
2K Games (Xbox)
Game •••• Graphics/Sound½
Ahoy, matey! Go ahead, shout it out loud - rum-soaked drawl and all.
Ken Richardson  |  Oct 01, 2005
A Bigger Bang Virgin
Music •••• Sound ••••
Whaddayawant? A Rolling Stones album to come up and bite you in the ass?
Mike Mettler  |  Oct 01, 2005
Mr. A-Z Atlantic
Music •••½ Sound •••• DualDisc Extras •••
Spunky heartthrob Jason Mraz (Mr.
Richard C. Walls  |  Oct 01, 2005
Honeycomb Back Porch/EMI
Music ••½ Sound ••••
In the midst of the big Pixies reunion tour comes Fra
Jeff Perlah  |  Oct 01, 2005
The Cookbook Goldmind/Atlantic
Music •••• Sound ••••
Producer Timbaland was all over Missy Elliott's five
