After releasing a study pounding the misperception that plasma TVs aren't perfect - at least the notion that they're not as good as other non-CRT based TVs - Pioneer announced two new high-def plasmas in addition to a couple of newfangled Pioneer Elite plasma HDTVs.
Digitally distributed music is hip these days. Actually, it's always been hip (even when analog was the method of distribution), but now it's hipper - and cheaper.
Butt-Kicker and all you other rump-rumbling transducer guys take note: portable media players just might be an untapped (and unshaken) market opportunity. Especially now that they - like the new portable from Creative - are getting so video oriented.
Throughout his career, Mark Schifter has created affordable, high-fidelity products that compete with price-is-no-object high-end gear. His resumé includes stints with Audio Alchemy and Genesis Speakers.
Here's a piece of really bad news for all 10 million of us who own digital television sets that are more than six months old. You won't be able to watch the new high-definition DVDs in high definition unless you buy a new TV. Whose to blame for this? Hollywood, of course.
Last week, Denon invited their dealers and members of the press to the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Laguna Nigel, California, for a sneak peek at the new products they will be launching at next month's CEDIA Expo. On hand were new AV receivers, DVD players, and two all-in-one systems designed to complement flat-panel displays.