High definition video may be the Holy Grail for couch potatoes, but it's not good enough for the cinema. At least that's what members of the Digital Cinema Initiatives (DCI) concluded at a Hollywood technology retreat February 8.
The <A HREF="http://www.mpaa.org">Motion Picture Association of America</A> (MPAA) is pushing for a crackdown on offshore industrial piracy, a phenomenon that is a way of life in many countries. The trade group estimates that the American video industry loses as much as $3.5 billion annually to illegal copying worldwide.
From the January issue, Michael Fremer plugs the <A HREF="http://www.guidetohometheater.com/showarchives.cgi?89">Musical Fidelity M250 monoblock power amplifier</A> in and puts it through the home theater paces. As Mikey notes, "The idea was to produce a 'non-temperamental, bomb-proof' amplifier capable of high power and high end sound quality."
High definition television (HDTV) and video-on-demand (VOD) services will help push the cable industry to the next level in the coming years, according to a study recently released by Boston-based technology research firm <A HREF="http://www.tracestrategies.com">TRACE strategies</A>.
Anyone in the market for a digital television receiver in recent months might have found them hard to come by. Manufacturers stopped making older models early this year when they began working on newer ones with updated features and receiver chips. Because most digital receivers these days also double as DirecTV tuners, one factor motivating this retooling was DirecTV's decision last year to make DVI the official digital-connection format for the service, forcing manufacturers to provide new receivers with DVI outputs.
<I>Richard Gere, Diane Lane, Olivier Martinez, Erik Per Sullivan, Chad Lowe. Directed by Adrian Lyne. Aspect ratio: 1.85: 1 (anamorphic). Dolby Digital 5.1 (English), Dolby Surround 2.0 (French, Spanish). 124 minutes. 2002. 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment 2005899. R. $27.98.</I>
Ellula Some things in life are just so much fun that they hardly need explanation, and Ellula's HotAir inflatable multimedia speaker is one such thing. The HotAir is compatible with any type of computer or portable music source, including personal CD players and MP3 players. With a little help from a connection kit, gameheads can even use these speakers with most gaming consoles. Do the HotAirs sound good? At $49 each, why not grab a couple and find out? Ellula (646) 935-0912 www.ellula.com
DVD: X-Men 1.5—20th Century Fox Audio: 4 Video: 5 Extras: 4 X-Men 1.5 is a sneaky way to squeeze a few more dollars out of the public's hands and get X-Men back in their minds for the sequel, which hits theaters in May. X-Men, based on the comic of the same name, is about a group of mutant humans who fight other mutant humans to decide their place in society. The disc's audio and video quality seem to be no different from the first DVD release. The 2.35:1 anamorphic video is excellent, with lots of fine detail. One new addition is the DTS soundtrack, which is just as good as the original Dolby Digital 5.1.