Michael Fremer  |  Feb 10, 2002

You want to believe. I want to believe. We all want to believe that, some day, a tiny chip the size of a 35mm transparency in a video-display device the size and weight of a slide projector will be capable of producing a moving video image so exquisitely filmlike that it will banish bulky, expensive, tweaky CRT projectors to the trash heap of technological history.

 |  Feb 09, 2002

The music industry may be in the dumps, but the home video business is soaring, according to a January report from trade journal <I>Video Business</I>.

HT Staff  |  Feb 08, 2002
Looking for a elegant way to mount your plasma display? Draper Inc. has announced a new series of stands and mounts for flat screen monitors that offer a solution for almost every conceivable installation.
Steve Simels  |  Feb 03, 2002
Jon Iverson  |  Feb 03, 2002

<A HREF="">Digital Light Projectors (DLPs)</A> are clearly coming into their own this year, based on what we saw at the recent Consumer Electronics Show. Joining Sharp and its groundbreaking XV-Z9000 ($10,000)&mdash;and also based on Texas Instrument's 1280 x 720 DLP chip&mdash;are the new Sim2 HT300 ($14,995), the DWIN TransVision 2 ($12,999), and the Marantz VP12S1 ($12,499).

 |  Feb 03, 2002

FireWire, or IEEE1394, as it is technically known, has been bandied about as a leading contender for transmitting digital video for several years now. HDTV FireWire demos started popping up as <A HREF="">early as 1998</A>, but to date, little actual product has emerged for the consumer to buy.

Barry Willis  |  Feb 03, 2002

With the advent of DVD, the death of videotape has been widely predicted. Standard VHS may be going the way of the dinosaur, but tape is re-emerging as a format for high definition movies. Some folks are even predicting that DVD may be relegated to a "mid-fi format."

Tank Menzies  |  Feb 03, 2002

<I>Christian Bale, John Malkovich, Miranda Richardson, Nigel Havers. Directed by Steven Spielberg. Aspect ratio: 1.85:1. Dolby Digital 5.1, Dolby Surround 2.0 (English, French). 152 minutes (film). 1987. Warner Bros. 89391 17532. PG. $24.98.</I>

 |  Feb 03, 2002

Too many home theater enthusiasts have an arsenal of remote controls. The arsenal&mdash;not the remotes themselves&mdash;can be the cause of everything from minor annoyances to full-scale domestic battles.

Chris Lewis  |  Feb 02, 2002  |  First Published: Feb 03, 2002
It sounds much bigger than it looks.

The question is an old but still fundamental one: Can you make small speakers perform like big speakers? This isn't necessarily the question that creators of small speakers ask themselves during creation, nor will it probably enter the mind of the small-speaker consumer at the time of purchase. Still, I'll wager that it's the first question your ears will ask when you place them in the middle of your new compact home theater system. Let's face it: All other factors being equal, it's easier for large speakers to do certain things, and many of these things are especially critical in your home theater.
