HT Staff  |  Nov 21, 2001
Bundled speaker systems are great solutions for folks just getting into home theater or looking to put together a secondary system in a small room. Boston Acoustics has just this market in mind with its new System 9000II, a five-channel-plus-subwoofer package that retails for right around a thousand bucks.
HT Staff  |  Nov 20, 2001
Long recognized as a high-value brand, Marantz has recently introduced four new SR-series home theater receivers with higher output power and more options than preceding models. All are ruggedly built, with strong internal bracing and metal alloy faceplates.
 |  Nov 18, 2001

The Federal Communications Commission has changed some of its rules governing the transition from analog to digital television, according to an unofficial <A HREF="">... about a "reconsideration order" issued November 8.

Barry Willis  |  Nov 18, 2001

FCC commissioner Michael Copps has promised to look into dozens of complaints that have flooded his office in the wake of promotional spots for the November 15 airing of <I>The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show</I> on the Walt Disney Company-owned ABC television network.

Gary Frisch  |  Nov 18, 2001

<I>Christopher Reeve, Margot Kidder, Marlon Brando, Gene Hackman, Jackie Cooper, Terence Stamp, Valerie Perrine. Directed by Richard Donner. Aspect ratio: 2.35:1 (anamorphic). Dolby Digital 5.1. 154 minutes. 1978. Warner Home Video 1013. PG. $24.98.</I>

Jon Iverson  |  Nov 18, 2001

Last week, <A HREF="">Magis Networks</A>, which develops <A HREF="">802.11a</A> wireless chipsets, announced it will offer what it is calling the world's first live demonstration of a wireless 5GHz network capable of transmitting HDTV. The company says that its chipsets enable wireless communications of TCP/IP data, high-quality video, and audio throughout the home and office. Magis adds the demonstration will be featured at the upcoming Western Cable Show, November 28&#150:30, in Anaheim, CA.

 |  Nov 18, 2001

Comdex 2001 witnessed the unveiling of Toshiba's new MT5 video projector, a lightweight (less than five pounds) device with big potential.

Jon Iverson  |  Nov 18, 2001

We ran a <A HREF="">poll</A> on the Website a couple of weeks back, asking <I>Guide</I> readers what tops their holiday wish-lists for home theater equipment. Predictably, HDTV was a top contender, with DVD players and other components making the cut.

HT Staff  |  Nov 17, 2001
Just a few months after officially becoming part of legendary audio manufacturer Klipsch Audio Technologies, Mondial Designs has produced several new Aragon-brand amplifiers and one new preamp/processor---all of them THX® Ultra certification.
Thomas J. Norton  |  Nov 15, 2001

When I reviewed the Revel Ultima loudspeaker system in SGHT's July/August 1998 issue, it was a challenge to come up with adequate superlatives&mdash;so the Ultima Gems, Voice, Embrace, and LE-1 subwoofer became our first Class AAA-rated speaker system. The Gems and Voice have been a frequent fixture in my reference home-theater system ever since, moved aside only when other speakers are being reviewed. The Revel Ultima surrounds and subwoofer were displaced for logistical reasons, not because of their performance, which was&mdash;and is&mdash;of reference quality. (Both&mdash;particularly the subwoofer, with its heavy, separate amplifier&mdash;were cumbersome to move in and out of position, a consideration important to a reviewer.)
