Chris Lewis  |  May 02, 2001  |  First Published: May 03, 2001
Innovative Audio's new speaker system begs the question, "What has your furniture done for you lately?"

I'll wager that, if you were to poll the attendees at January's Consumer Electronics Show as to which was the most intriguing audio demo at the expo this year, a large majority would respond with Tom Holman's 10.2-channel sonic roller-coaster ride over at Alexis Park. Sure, the high-resolution demos were purer, and I'll be damned if the two-channel rigs at that same venue didn't, on the whole, sound better than ever (two-channel ain't dead just yet, gang). Still, when it came down to pure entertainment value, Holman's demo undoubtedly stole the show.

Clint Walker  |  May 02, 2001  |  First Published: May 03, 2001
A commanding performance from a well-disciplined pupil.

Over thirty years ago, B&W Loudspeakers set out to build a speaker that would set the standard in sound and build quality, a speaker that other companies would strive for years to keep up with. Today, there is little doubt that B&W's goal was achieved. In fact, the designs of yesterday were so successful that 80 percent of all classical recordings are monitored using B&W loudspeakers.

HT Staff  |  Apr 29, 2001
Far too many home entertainment products are obsolete six months after they are introduced. A new variation on surround sound or video processing comes out, and you have to buy a new processor to take advantage of it.
Barry Willis  |  Apr 29, 2001

Better late than never, the old adage goes. The <A HREF="">Consumer Electronics Association</A> and the <A HREF="">National Association of Broadcasters</A>, former adversaries in the digital television rollout debacle, have decided to bury the hatchet and begin promoting DTV cooperatively.

Jon Iverson  |  Apr 29, 2001

The idea of watermarking high-resolution audio signals has riled audiophiles for months, ever since Verance announced that the controversial tracking signals would be incorporated into DVD-Audio discs. Now videophiles can get in on the action: last week, <A HREF="">Digimarc</A> announced that it is partnering with Hitachi, Macrovision, NEC, Philips, Pioneer, and Sony to form the Video Watermarking Group (VWM Group) to provide video copy prevention and play control solutions for digital recording devices.

Jon Iverson  |  Apr 29, 2001

According to <A HREF="">Zenith</A>, the orginator of the VSB digital transmission system behind over-the-air broadcast of DTV and HDTV, "there will be no urban-rural 'digital divide' in the delivery of digital television (DTV) service." The company says that this is thanks in large part to ATSC VSB translators that it has developed.

Gary Frisch  |  Apr 29, 2001

G<I>eorge Clooney, Mark Wahlberg, John C. Reilly, Diane Lane, William Fichtner, John Hawkes. Directed by Wolfgang Petersen. Aspect ratio: 2.35:1 (anamorphic). Dolby Digital 5.1. 130 minutes. 2000. Warner Home Video 18584. PG-13. $24.98.</I>

Barry Willis  |  Apr 28, 2001

The entire city of Los Angeles depends on the entertainment industry, and Mayor Richard Riordan is doing his best to find a way to prevent strikes by screenwriters and actors that could have crippling economic repercussions.

HT Staff  |  Apr 26, 2001
Prediction: film industry attorneys and executives will experience unprecedented high blood pressure this summer. The reason: the arrival of DVD recorders from Swiss manufacturer Vivastar.
HT Staff  |  Apr 26, 2001
The makers of the renowned Power Plant "regenerators" have come up with another ingenious solution to an all-too-common problem: noisy electrical power.
