For the last 25 years, about 1000 engineers from all regions of the world have gathered at the annual IEEE <A HREF="">International Conference on Consumer Electronics</A> (ICCE) in Chicago to review and discuss the emerging technology trends in the consumer industry.
Several manufacturers will be demonstrating state-of-the-art home-theater products at <A HREF="">HI-FI '98</A>---some of which have never before been seen by the public.
Known for ultra-high-quality analog and digital audio electronics, <A HREF="">Sonic Frontiers</A> will soon enter the home-theater market. The Oakville, Ontario company announced its intentions less than two months after being acquired by the Lenbrook Group, which also owns <A HREF="">PSB</A>. In addition, Sonic Frontiers recently joined the growing group of companies represented by public-relations firm <A HREF="">JB Stanton Communications, Inc.</A>
Home theater just keeps getting better. New products from <A HREF="">Toshiba,</A> <A HREF="">Mitsubishi,</A> and other companies promise huge improvements in picture quality and greater system flexibility. For example, Toshiba's ColorStream PRO technology in its Platinum Standard SD7108 DVD-Video player preserves the MPEG-2 480-line progressive video scanning inherent in DVDs and outputs it directly to one of the company's new Cinema Series projection TV sets, such as the 71-inch TP71H95.
Like its nymphet namesake, <I>Lolita</I> seems to create nothing but trouble for those who fall under its spell. Director Adrian Lyne's cinematic interpretation of Vladimir Nabokov's still-controversial novel about a middle-aged man's obsession with a teenage girl spent a year in the Hollywood revolving door because no major studio was willing to risk a distribution deal---until now. <A HREF="">Showtime Networks</A>, a cable-TV unit of <A HREF="">Viacom</A>, has picked up the film's US rights.
On May 18, James D. Dunning, Jr., Chairman and CEO of the Petersen Companies, Inc., announced an agreement to acquire <I>Stereophile Magazine</I> and <I>Stereophile Guide to Home Theater</I>---two of this country's leading high-end audio and home-theater publications---as well as HI-FI '98, The Home theater & Specialty Audio Show.
Maybe somebody should invent an exer-couch: According to a recent national survey commissioned by <A HREF="">Blockbuster</A>, popcorn and soft drinks top the list of favorite foods and drinks that people consume when watching videos at home.
Several manufacturers will be demonstrating state-of-the-art home-theater products at <A HREF="">HI-FI '98</A>, some of which have never been seen by the public before.