Out Of The Blu

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Chris Chiarella  |  Apr 26, 2013  | 
What do butterflies and birds, Oscar winners Meryl Streep and Forest Whitaker, and some Norwegian actors you never heard of all have in common?
Chris Chiarella  |  May 18, 2012  | 
Spaghetti Westerns don't come more delicious than this edition's lead title, while audiences partial to contemporary domestic thrillers won't be disappointed with the little-seen Aggression Scale, either. But seriously: No Oscar love for Kevin?
Chris Chiarella  |  Jun 15, 2013  | 
Peter Bogdanovich's buried musical resurfaces, a Cartoon Network favorite arrives in complete HD seasons, and a Spacey/Fincher collaboration is no longer a Netflix exclusive.
Chris Chiarella  |  Sep 08, 2012  | 
The Dunder Mifflin crew takes the recent shakeup in stride, while singing and dancing makes senior year fly by at McKinley High, and Ray Drecker proves once again that he's more than just a gigolo.
Chris Chiarella  |  Jul 13, 2013  | 
Another edgy series from Cinemax, a trendy new thriller and a must-see documentary about hunger in America will heat up an already balmy July.
Chris Chiarella  |  Jul 13, 2012  | 
Robert De Niro returns in of his more serious dramatic leads in years, while two new Criterion Blu-rays serve up a pair of late-'80s independent gems.
Chris Chiarella  |  Mar 01, 2013  | 
A trio of kinky, offbeat treats await the Blu-curious in this delicious high-def disc roundup.
Chris Chiarella  |  Aug 11, 2012  | 
Take a gander at a quirky, spiritual indie, a 3D study of the legendary doomed luxury liner, and our own private film festival to put us in the mood for Expendables 2.
Chris Chiarella  |  Jul 27, 2012  | 
Three very different TV series arrive on Blu-ray, assuring ample worthwhile programming during the summer doldrums.
Chris Chiarella  |  Jun 29, 2012  | 
An Oscar-nominated Dutch crime drama, a beloved British series and a topical, off-the-wall dark comedy are all arriving on Blu-ray.
Chris Chiarella  |  Nov 23, 2012  | 
In yet another unfortunate consequence of the decline of brick-and-mortar video stores, we can't walk in and say "Gimme the Butta'."
Chris Chiarella  |  Jun 15, 2012  | 
After we've fed our intellectual side with a profound music documentary and a first-class dramatization of the 2008 financial crisis, we can kick back with the R-rated exploits of a gun-toting hooker on the run.
Chris Chiarella  |  Sep 21, 2012  | 
The rhythms may be familiar but you've never seen anything like Chico and Rita, while a crazy nanny goes high-def, and The Caped Crusader's monumental conclusion begins.
Chris Chiarella  |  Apr 06, 2012  | 
Hello, and welcome to my first Blu-ray blog for HomeTheater.com wherein we take a look at a few interesting discs that you might have missed among the weekly cascade of blockbusters and otherwise more heavily advertised releases. In this installment, we check out HBO's Cinema Verite, Anchor Bay's Corman's World, and BBC's Torchwood: Miracle Day.
Chris Chiarella  |  Mar 29, 2013  | 
The Criterion Collection serves up another eclectic batch of classic, near-classic and neo-classic films, all restored for high-def disc.
