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Daniel Kumin  |  Nov 19, 2014  | 
Dolby Atmos, the latest, “object-oriented” surround sound solution magicked up by the San Francisco technologists, has earned enough ink here and elsewhere that many of us are passingly familiar with it already. Briefly, then, object-oriented means that instead of panning discrete effects or overall mixes to left, center, right, or various surround channels, sound designers and producers can now direct sounds through a virtual listening space, letting the computer work out the details. Ultimately, of course, whether at the theater or at home, sounds still emanate from physical loudspeakers driven by physical amplifier channels, so there’s a certain amount of semantics at play here. But Atmos is scalable: A commercial theater can have as many as 64 discrete, individually addressable loudspeakers, including multiple “height” speakers in the ceiling.
John Sciacca  |  Mar 15, 2004  | 

Fortunately, the saying "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" doesn't apply to CES. The technology introduced there quickly spreads to the rest of the world. This year, audio companies were especially anxious to have the show's magic rub off on their wares.

Steve Faber  |  Sep 21, 2007  | 
The art of making your whole system sound great.
John Sciacca  |  Nov 05, 2007  | 

Audio Design Associates might be unfamiliar to Sound & Vision readers, but this 30-year-old, New York-based company has a well-earned reputation as a top player in the custom market. In fact, it pioneered bidirectional control in 1989. And ADA's president, Albert Langella, is the first-ever recipient of CEDIA's Lifetime Achievement Award.

Rich Warren  |  Jan 06, 2005  | 

Audio gear - designed for high-fidelity reproduction of recorded music - once ruled the Consumer Electronics Show, but now audio is for the most part only a handmaiden to video. However, for those who place sound first, some impressive components begged a hearing.

Mike Mettler  |  Oct 26, 2008  | 

Walk me through your recent HDTV buying experience. I found myself attracted to the LCD. Two of my very good friends - Dave Rodriguez, who's directed two upcoming films that I'm in, and John Barr, the director of photography on those films - they're plasma guys.

Frank Doris  |  May 25, 2005  | 

It won't be long before expressions like, "Honey, don't forget to tape American Idol for me!" and "Let's go to the videotape" fade as disc- and hard-drive-based recording triumphs over the trusty VCR. And while DVD recorders a re more complicated to set up and use than VCRs, they're getting easier - really!

Frank Doris  |  Jul 07, 2004  | 

So you finally went out and bought a high-definition TV. Congratulations - you've joined a growing community of people who've switched to the new digital technology.

Frank Doris  |  Feb 23, 2005  | 

You might think your TV is the most important part of your home theater system. But the real heart of any home-entertainment setup is the A/V or digital surround receiver - the one element that ties all the others together and lets you select and adjust what you watch or listen to.

Frank Doris  |  Aug 10, 2004  | 

I probably don't need to convince you that HDTV is a spectacular viewing experience, with astonishingly lifelike images. But to enjoy all the benefits of HDTV and DVD, you need a multichannel surround sound system.

 |  Nov 04, 2005  | 

Who's the best Batman? I would have to say it's - what's his name? Adam West! He's the best. [laughs] I'm sorry, but I find it irresistible not to include myself. In all seriousness, though, my Batman was entirely different from all the other incarnations. The TV series was pretty much all tongue-in-cheek, rueful silliness.
