Other Tech

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Stan Horaczek  |  Dec 15, 2008  | 
Instead of messing around with a converter box, you handled the DTV transition the proper way: By upgrading to a sweet new HDTV. But that means your old box is still sitting around taking up space. Before you send it packing to the dump, consider a few different options.
 |  Mar 31, 2008  | 

Remember when those poor, starving contestants on Survivor finally got a serving of sustenance? Only, instead of being rewarded with a good rib eye or a yellowfin tuna roll, they get a big dollop of termite larva. Or perhaps a skinny slice of bat-wing. It's like, "Yeah, they're hungry enough to eat anything.

 |  Jun 15, 2008  | 

These days, there are lots of reasons to travel: See exotic sights, meet interesting people . . . and get the chance to sample the best-of-the-best in A/V gear at some of the world's most exclusive hotels.

Al Griffin  |  Nov 23, 2003  | 
Photos by John Wilkes Viewscreen images by Al Griffin The holidays are a time for giving, but they're also very much a time for receiving. And if you ask me, there's no better gift to get than a digital camcorder, especially when it's delivered to your office by a Santa-type figure dressed in a FedEx uniform.
Michael Gaughn  |  Mar 01, 2005  | 

Architectural rendering, Larry Garrick Interior and design stylist, John Patrick

Mike Gaughn  |  Feb 26, 2009  | 

A voice booms from the ether of the home theater like a female Jehovah. "Pick up Line 2," it commands. "Meryl wants to talk to Natasha." I'm alone in the room and, tech-savvy guy that I am, can't figure out if I should shout a response back into the void as I fumble around looking for a handset to pick up or a button to press.

Mike Mettler  |  Feb 28, 2011  | 

Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross won the Oscar for Best Original Score for The Social Network, and it's a modern and adventurous film score if ever I've heard one. It's haunting, of-the-moment, and immersive - and, best of all for us S+V types, it's available in surround sound. Go here to get yours.

John Sciacca  |  Oct 01, 2005  | 

When someone says he's an accountant, a stockbroker, or a trash collector (excuse me, "Sanitation Engineer"), you know what he does for a living. But when I say I'm a custom electronics installer, I usually get a blank stare in return.

David Ranada  |  Dec 02, 2002  | 
Within seconds of firing up Miramax's DVD release of the classic Beatles movie A Hard Day's Night, I knew that the Fab Four had been deep-sixed by the new set's producers. The image quality is excellent-the movie appears for the first time in a widescreen (1.66:1) video transfer-but the music is another story.
Brent Butterworth  |  Sep 25, 2008  | 

Many A/V enthusiasts dream of having a custom theater designed by home theater pioneer and Sound & Vision columnist Theo Kalomirakis. But mystery novelists Jonathan and Faye Kellerman (Capital Crimes, When the Bough Breaks) have something twice as nice: two theaters designed by Theo.

Barb Gonzalez  |  Nov 12, 2012  | 
Ever try to stream a video from your library only to find that it won't play it—or find that certain files don’t appear on your media player when you browse the folders where they are saved? The problem could be that your media player doesn’t recognize those file formats.
Michael Antonoff  |  Jan 11, 2007  | 

 |  Dec 14, 2004  | 
