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Michael Antonoff  |  Apr 26, 2017  | 
Netflix added the ability to download content for offline viewing a few months ago. Here’s how it works.
Michael Antonoff  |  Jan 24, 2018  | 
Streaming video has gone from VHS- to DVD to 1080p- to 4K quality over the decade. Yet, left behind were some extremely useful navigational controls that we took for granted on our “ancient” VCRs or DVD players. They included slow motion, smooth fast-forward, and the ability to bookend any segment for looping to our heart’s content.
Michael Antonoff  |  Jun 15, 2016  | 
Now that we never need to dismount from the barstool to drop quarters in the jukebox, it just seems wrong to call TouchTunes a mobile app. Pushing through a crowd to reach an illuminated cabinet required actual mobility, also called walking. But that was then. Today no one with a smartphone is budging. In the battle of the bulge, beer wins, waistline loses.
Michael Antonoff  |  Sep 28, 2016  | 
With time- and place-shifting now entitlements of our on-demand culture, it’s no surprise that cable companies have been countering cord-cutters by extending the viewing rights of subscribers to their phones and tablets.
Michael Antonoff  |  Jul 06, 2015  | 
Arguably the leading premium channel for movies and original series, HBO adds $23.24 to my monthly cable bill. I get six HBO channels, though they mostly repeat the same shows ad nauseam. Linear redundancy has been a waste of cable bandwidth since the DVR landed, but it’s become even more outmoded in the age of high-def broadband and on-demand viewing.

Refusing to pony up for unbreakable packages to get the few programs they’d watch, younger viewers have been cutting the cord on cable TV...

Michael Antonoff  |  Jul 21, 2017  | 
In three years there will be some 10 million cars on the road with self-driving features. What will people do in a car that drives itself?
