Audio Video News

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Wes Phillips  |  Aug 29, 1999  | 

N<I>atalie Wood, Richard Beymer, Russ Tamblyn, Rita Moreno, George Chakiris. Directed by Robert Wise. Aspect ratio: 2.20:1. Dolby Digital. 152 minutes. 1961. MGM 906733. NR. $24.98.</I>

 |  Aug 29, 1999  | 

Gary Shapiro is after the US Congress to reconcile House and Senate versions of the Satellite Home Viewer Act (SHVA). Shapiro, president of the <A HREF="">Consumer Electronics Manufacturers Association</A> (CEMA), has asked legislators to incorporate provisions of a recent agreement between direct broadcast satellite (DBS) service <A HREF="">DirecTV</A> and the <A HREF="">National Association of Broadcasters</A>, allowing DBS services to transmit local TV signals&mdash;a practice known as local-into-local&mdash;as cable companies have always done.

Fred Manteghian  |  Aug 29, 1999  | 

T<I>his is Part 2 of a two-part review of the Sony VPH-20U CRT projector. Click <A HREF="">HERE</A> for Part 1.&mdash;Ed.</I>

Fred Manteghian  |  Aug 29, 1999  | 

T<I>he following review was scheduled for publication in the print edition of </I>SGHT<I>, but we were recently told by Sony that the VPH-20U has been discontinued. Although this review won't run in </I>SGHT<I>, we thought some of you might find it useful if you're interested in purchasing a projector soon, as there will undoubtedly be some VPH-20Us in stores for a few weeks.&mdash;Ed.</I>

Barry Willis  |  Aug 29, 1999  | 

Japanese researchers have developed a digital storage device the size of a laserdisc with a capacity of 200 gigabytes, Reuters news service reported August 25. 200GB is more than 40 times the capacity of a DVD's 4.7GB&mdash;enough to put 40 two-hour movies on a 12-inch disc.

Barry Willis  |  Aug 22, 1999  | 

Curiouser and curiouser. Wonderland's Alice would feel right at home in the topsy-turvy world of Silicon Valley, where companies never have to show a profit to make their founders wealthy, and where probable courtroom adversaries invest in each others' businesses. That's exactly what happened August 17 at <A HREF="">RePlay Networks</A>, which received a whopping $57 million in financing from a group of investors including Time Warner Inc., The Walt Disney Co., Liberty Media Group, United Television Inc., Showtime Networks Inc., and a division of industrial giant Matsushita, whose Panasonic company makes one version of the RePlay hard-disk-based video recorder.

Jon Iverson  |  Aug 22, 1999  | 

Last week, <A HREF="">Panasonic Consumer Electronics Company</A> announced that it will release its first progressive-scan DVD player this October. The company says that the DVD-H1000 will deliver 480p images directly to a progressive-scan display at a retail price of $2999.95. According to Panasonic, the unit will feature composite, S-video, and component-video outputs, standard L/R audio outs, and 6-channel and optical digital audio outputs.

Jon Iverson  |  Aug 22, 1999  | 

Fans of <A HREF="">Disney</A>'s animated films are about to finally get what they've been asking for this past year. Nine films are scheduled for release on DVD, starting October 26 with <I>Pinocchio</I>&mdash;which was also the studio's first animated classic to be released on video, back in 1985. Buena Vista Home Entertainment, Disney's home-video division, will release the remaining eight features on DVD over the next four months as part of what the company calls a "once-in-a-millennium celebration."

 |  Aug 22, 1999  | 

Digital technology is changing everything&mdash;especially the marketing of entertainment. DVD-Audio has the music industry excited about interactive features like artists' bios, still pictures, and other as-yet unimagined marketing opportunities. Free MP3 audio files are being used by some music companies as promotional tools for new releases.

Paula Nechak  |  Aug 22, 1999  | 

M<I>el Gibson, Sigourney Weaver, Linda Hunts. Directed by Peter Weir. Aspect ratio: 1.85:1 (letterbox). Dolby Digital 5.1. 115 minutes. 1982. MGM/UA Home Video 906638. Rated R. $24.95.</I>

Leonid Korostyshevski  |  Aug 22, 1999  | 

E<I>ditor's Note: The photos in this article were taken last week by Mr. Korostyshevski.</I>

 |  Aug 15, 1999  | 

Recently, <A HREF="">Cahners In-Stat Group</A> released their forecasts of annual growth rates for digital direct-broadcast satellite (DBS) systems, which they claim will be in excess of 10% through 2003. Shipments are expected to exceed 30 million units by that time.

Jon Iverson  |  Aug 15, 1999  | 

Last week, <A HREF="">NetTV</A>, which markets progressive-scan digital televisions and set-top boxes with integrated DVD-ROM players, announced that the company's High-Resolution DVD and digital television will be showcased at the DVD PRO Conference & Exhibition, to be held later this week in San Francisco. NetTV claims it is building digital-entertainment systems that combine progressive-scan video with Dolby Digital 5.1-channel audio. The company's products include the ExtremeDVD digital entertainment set-top box and DTV Series digital televisions (29, 34, and 38 inches).

 |  Aug 15, 1999  | 

Digital TV might have reached only a few couch potatoes so far, but it is the hot ticket for computer-graphics and video-editing professionals, who converged in Los Angeles last week for SIGGraph '99, the annual convention of the <A HREF="">Association for Computer Machinery</A>'s <A HREF="">Special Interest Group for Computer Graphics</A>. All-format editing and design software was among the most newsworthy items on the convention floor.

Barry Willis  |  Aug 15, 1999  | 

Copyright hysteria is one of the entertainment industry's longest-running programs. Last week's episode featured an announcement by the recently formed Advanced Television Copyright Coalition (ATCC) that the group would exert legal pressure on <A HREF="">TiVo, Inc.</A>, and <A HREF="">RePlay Networks, Inc.</A>, two Silicon Valley-based makers of personal video recorders (PVRs). These are hard-disk-based video recorders that allow users to easily shift viewing times and instantly zip past commercials if they wish. The machines' manufacturers will be asked to sign licensing agreements for the use of the group members' content.
