Audio Video News

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SV Staff  |  Feb 10, 2009  | 
So, I'm probably a little late to the party on this one, but having watched the full demonstration video of this "music instrument" you can buy at The Sharper Image (of course), I might have to take the rest of the day off to...
SV Staff  |  Feb 11, 2009  | 
Like the vast majority of Americans, I have never driven an electric car, so it had never crossed my mind that turning on the radio whild driving would use up juice normally reserved for making the car go. To remedy this problem in their upcoming...
SV Staff  |  Feb 11, 2009  | 
Insiders at Sirius XM are reporting that the company has hired advisers to help it prepare for bankruptcy filings.  The Chapter 11 filing could make it quite easy for Echostar to finally take it over.Through the filings, the satellite radio...
SV Staff  |  Feb 11, 2009  | 
It's a great idea to include a digital copy of a movie with Blu-ray discs, but Sony is taking it a step past that. According to John Koller, director of hardware marketing for the PS3, the discs would be perfect for games based on movies and...
SV Staff  |  Feb 11, 2009  | 
Looks like it won't matter whether or not you prefer LCD or plasma, because yet another manufacturer is getting out of the plasma market. Vizio, which became know as a value manufacturer, will not be producing an new plasma sets. ...
SV Staff  |  Feb 12, 2009  | 
There are tons of speaker options for your computer. But they're usually cheap plastic  jobbers, and never really environmentally friendly. Now you can get computer speakers, made from a very renewable source - bamboo!  Grows like...
SV Staff  |  Feb 12, 2009  | 
If you haven't finished your Valentine's Day shopping yet (you've already started, right???) then this heart-shaped MP3 player should top your list.Designed to be worn as a necklace, this little player has a 1GB memory. There...
SV Staff  |  Feb 12, 2009  | 
Like it or not, it's official. President Obama has signed the bill that pushes back the DTV transition back to June 12. Let the PSA's begin.Obama said, ""During these challenging economic times, the needs of American consumers...
SV Staff  |  Feb 12, 2009  | 
Although it's been around since 1934, everyone's favorite elevator music company, Muzak, may be silenced. Muzak Holdings has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. The company has about $340 million in bond dept and owes an...
SV Staff  |  Feb 12, 2009  | 
Did you have one of the new $7,000 Mitsubishi on your shopping list for the weekend?  Might want to hurry before they sell out. Might be a while before they're re-stocked.Mitsubishi just issued this statement: MDEA has temporarily...
SV Staff  |  Feb 12, 2009  | 
Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, and alas, another few weeks of winter for most of us. You'll need to keep your ears warm and toasty, but most earmuffs get in the way of your earbuds. Bummer.For about $20, you can get these Earmuff...
SV Staff  |  Feb 12, 2009  | 
Lord knows that most MP3 players come bundled with pretty crappy-sounding and fitting earbuds. In fact, most cheap players would sound just fine if they were auditioned with better earbuds. Acoustibuds, by Burton Ideas, are a rather unique...
SV Staff  |  Feb 13, 2009  | 
Got game? Blockbuster Total Access wants your business. The company is starting a new program to offer video game rentals as part of its movies-by-mail service. They're going to start with a limited number of subscribers when the program...
SV Staff  |  Feb 13, 2009  | 
It's great that iTunes has so many great selections for entertainment. The problem is, how do you store all this material once you've downloaded it. A high-def video file is huge, and even if you don't buy it, renting requires you to...
SV Staff  |  Feb 13, 2009  | 
Well, now that the DTV Transition deadline has moved, you don't have to rush out and do this this weekend. However, once your old analog TV  becomes obsolete (since you didn't get a converter box and they're as hard to come by...
