Blu-ray Movie Reviews

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Rad Bennett  |  Dec 09, 2005  | 

One is blonde, the other brunette. One radiates as an earth mother, the other is everyone's favorite big sister. But when the chips are down, each babe is a trained killing machine who can kick terrorist ass.

 |  Dec 09, 2005  | 

Alfred Hitchcock The Masterpiece Collection (Universal, 15 DVDs, $120) Saboteur, Shadow of a Doubt, Rope, Rear Window, The Trouble with Harry, The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956), Vertigo, Psycho, The Birds, Marnie, Torn Curtain, Topaz, Frenzy, Family P

Josef Krebs  |  Dec 14, 2005  | 
Movie •••½ Picture/Sound •••• Extras •••½
Director Christopher Nolan has reinve
Al Griffin  |  Jan 14, 2006  | 

An edgy update, CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY (Warner; Movie •••½, Picture/Sound ••••, Extras ••••) takes several liberties with Roald Dahl's classic book, but it also manages to convey the story's dark humor.

Josef Krebs  |  Jan 14, 2006  | 

It's amazing how many ways a story can be told. Byron Haskin's 1953 version of THE WAR OF THE WORLDS (Warner; Movie ••••, Picture/Sound ••••, Extras ••••) has a completely different focus and tone than Steven Spielberg's gloomy take on the H. G. Wells fantasy.

Ken Korman  |  Jan 14, 2006  | 
War of the Worlds DreamWorks
Movie ••½ Picture/Sound ••••½ Extr
Ken Korman  |  Jan 14, 2006  | 
Series •••½ Picture/Sound •••• Extras ••••
The Coen Brothers' hilarious but initial
Ken Korman  |  Jan 14, 2006  | 
Hammett Paramount
Movie •••• Picture/Sound •• Extras None
Series ••• Picture/Sound •••• Extras ••••
If you're in the mood to check your brains at the door and just laugh a
Marc Horowitz  |  Jan 14, 2006  | 
Series •••½ Picture/Sound ••½ Extras •••½
Formerly immature filmmaker Gregg Arak
Rad Bennett  |  Jan 14, 2006  | 
20th Century Fox
Series •• Picture/Sound •••½ Extras½
Fantastic Four struggles to bring to l
Sol Louis Siegel  |  Jan 14, 2006  | 
The Wages of Fear The Criterion Collection
Movie ••••½ Picture/Sound ••••
Al Griffin  |  Feb 03, 2006  | 

Do clones deserve the same rights as their human progenitors? That's the ethical dilemma that director Michael Bay grapples with in the sci-fi foray The Island (DreamWorks; Movie •••, Picture/Sound ••••½, Extras ••).

Brandon Grafius  |  Feb 03, 2006  | 
Series ••½ Picture/Sound ••• Extras ••½
More than a decade after they first appeared on late-
Brandon Grafius  |  Feb 03, 2006  | 

If something scared an audience the first time, it should work again, right? And the third, fourth, and fifth times, yes? Well, House of Wax (Warner; Movie •½, Picture/Sound ••••, Extras ••) steals its title from a Vincent Price vehicle, but it's little more than an amateurish excuse to slice and dice attractive teens.
