Blu-ray Movie Reviews

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Josef Krebs  |  Mar 04, 2007  | 
KOCH Lorber
Movie •••½ Picture •••½ Sound ••• Extras •••
Is it a joke?
Ken Korman  |  Mar 05, 2007  | 
Movie ••• Picture •••• Sound •••• Extras •••½
Although director Edward Zwick (The Last Samurai<
Brandon Grafius  |  Mar 06, 2007  | 
20th Century Fox
Movie •••• Picture •• Sound ••½ Extras •••
In his first film, Borat, the perpetu
Sol Louis Siegel  |  Mar 06, 2007  | 
20th Century Fox
Movie •••½ Picture •••½ Sound •••• Extras •••½
With the help of co-
Mike Mettler  |  Mar 08, 2007  | 

Josef Krebs  |  Mar 12, 2007  | 
Movie •••• Picture •••• Sound ••••½ Extras •••½
Die Another Day (2002) took J
Marc Horowitz  |  Mar 12, 2007  | 
Movie •••½ Picture •••• Sound ••••½ Extras ••••
A baby hasn't been born on Earth
Marc Horowitz  |  Mar 12, 2007  | 
20th Century Fox
Movie ••• Picture ••••½ Sound •••½ Extras •••½
Forest Whitaker'
Mel Neuhaus  |  Mar 12, 2007  | 
The Criterion Collection
Movie ••• Picture •••½ Sound ••• Extras ••
Despite its B-movie story and overreli
Rad Bennett  |  Mar 12, 2007  | 
Movie •••½ Picture ••••½ Sound ••••• Extras ••½
Employing the same motion-cap
Josef Krebs  |  Apr 01, 2007  | 

(Paramount) Clint Eastwood's cinematic debunking of wartime heroism makes for a terrific home theater experience. The clear, crisp, and bright DVD picture has depth and detail to burn, even in the many nighttime scenes. Although the combat images are tinted like old photographs, bursts of orange flames cut through the sea of green and brown when the big guns blast.

Rad Bennett  |  Apr 02, 2007  | 
20th Century Fox
Movie ••½ Picture •••• Sound ••• Extras ••••
If you're one of those viewers who feel
Ken Korman  |  Apr 04, 2007  | 
Movie •••½ Picture •••½ Sound •••½ Extras •••
Godfather-like in i
Josef Krebs  |  May 05, 2007  | 

Open Season (Sony). This Blu-ray Disc's picture, shot digitally in high-def and authored with MPEG-4 compression, is incredibly three-dimensional and realistic. Boog the bear's fur looks like you could reach out and stroke it, and other objects look extremely solid.

Brandon Grafius  |  May 10, 2007  | 
20th Century Fox
Movie •• Picture •• Sound ••• Extras •••½
Beasties, wise mentors, and plucky peasants pop
